6106 Tasting Notes

drank Goji Pop by DAVIDsTEA
6106 tasting notes

Yum. This is such a great treat before bed, caffeine-free and steeped from boiling to almost cold to make it yummy and sweet. I’m noticing a bit of a fakey aftertaste today though, which bothers me a bit (maybe it’s from artificial flavouring??), but I can deal, because it’s still really tasty. I’m now officially out of my sample though, so gotta put it on the purchasing list!

Boiling 8 min or more

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Mmmmm, my favourite Japanese green tea. Short steepings are definitely necessary; I can usually get about three out of the leaves if I want, although I like the vegetal, grassy first steep the best (which produces a bright greenish liquor) so sometimes don’t bother. The second steep is usually a bit mellower, while the third loses much of the vegetal flavour that I really like. I have a bad habit of leaving the leaves steeping too long the second time around though, so often get a bit of a tannin-y flavour, which is irritating but entirely my fault.

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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A tasty and non-stomach-upsetting yet still rewarding alternative to a hazelnut latte from Second Cup! I was craving a sweetened drink and had made myself some cold lattes in the past week from some old matcha powder packets I had been gifted, so this just hit the spot. Sweet enough without being sickly, and I could definitely taste the green tea, although noticed a bit of grittiness at the end. But yum yum yum.

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drank Toasted Walnut by DAVIDsTEA
6106 tasting notes

Mmmmm, definitely a favourite. Right up there on par with Banana Oolong. In my opinion, the creamy, mildly sweet nuttiness is perfectly matched with the mild green base. Have no idea what temperature I steeped it at today, but I let the kettle cool for a few minutes prior to steeping. A cooler temperature and short steep time are important as otherwise it can become rather bitter and gross.

Only had time for one steeping today, but we’ll see if the tea ball can handle another one tomorrow, as I’m now out of this tea and need to go buy at least a 100g tin!

Future more detailed notes to come; this is being written a few hours post-sipping and I am terrible at remembering such things accurately!

3 min, 30 sec

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drank Cranberry Pear by DAVIDsTEA
6106 tasting notes

Mmmm, made a cup for breakfast this morning and put it post-steeping into the Timolino… perfect. Absolutely delicious. Could have used a bit more steeping once cooled to bring out the fruits’ sweetness, but it was quite good just the same. :D

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Snow Bunny (Organic) by DAVIDsTEA
6106 tasting notes

Yum. The tea that first got me into liking steeped bananas! Bought this one on request from my sister (although she didn’t end up trying it before I left after Christmas).

This is one of the teas where I actually don’t really care for the smell of the dry leaf. Although nutty, I find it rather bland and unappetizing. Luckily the tea tastes better than it smells (although the smell becomes more richly nutty when steeped)! Generally I find it to be nutty and smooth with a nice hint of banana – it doesn’t have much banana flavour right now though, as the sample bag I bought appears to now have run out (1 banana chunk in this cup, boo). But it’s still good! I prefer Banana Oolong though, so am ok with this tea not becoming a part of the permanent collection.

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec

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drank Fantasy Island by DAVIDsTEA
6106 tasting notes

This is technically my second time trying Fantasy Island… the first time my boyfriend used his Timolino mug (the morning I flew back home after Christmas), he tried some of the sample I gave him, but didn’t think to take the leaves out of the basket, so it was waaaay oversteeped and awful. He sugar-and-milk-ed it up though, and drank it anyways.

So, for round 2, this can only be a better experience! To start, the dry leaf definitely has a great coconutty scent to it, as does the steeping tea. Yum. However, even with a short steeping time, I’m finding this tea waaaay too strong in a black tea sense, without enough fruit taste. The tea ball sitting beside me smells much more fruity and tasty. Maybe I just don’t like black teas… or maybe I put too much tea in.

Anyways, will try another steep of this as soon as I’m done, with hopes of additional fruitiness and coconut making themselves present!

ETA: Second steep thankfully isn’t as strong, but I’m still not really getting any fruitiness. It’s ok to drink, but nothing I’d seek out in the future. Oh well, paring down the list of teas I want to purchase again isn’t really a bad thing…

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

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drank Gyokuro Yamashiro by DAVIDsTEA
6106 tasting notes

My roommate received this one as a sample from an online order, and she was shocked when I told her how expensive it was!! Anyhow, this tea is wonderful. Classic delicious green that’s very smooth and vegetal (in my opinion, anyways). I’d definitely buy it for myself if not for the considerable amount of Japanese green/oolong teas lurking in my cupboard from other tea stores! Yum.

ETA: Subsequent steepings (2) weren’t as great as I hoped. Maybe we didn’t steep the leaves long enough (~2.5 and 5+ minutes), but I just wasn’t getting enough out of it the second/third times. As such, have decreased the rating since this is such an expensive tea and I was expecting better. We’ll see how future cups go!

165 °F / 73 °C 1 min, 30 sec

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drank Love Tea #7 by DAVIDsTEA
6106 tasting notes

Again, I must have done something wrong. This tea tastes pretty much like straight black tea – I can’t detect ANY strawberry/rose/tasty flavours. Not sure if I missed getting some of the strawberry pieces and whatnot, but looking in my bag, I see very few chocolate chips and strawberry chunks.

Have put the teaball back in for a minute or too as I located some melty chocolate chips when I opened it up, but couldn’t see any fruit.

Not rating until I give it another shot.

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

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drank Dragon Lily by Numi Organic Tea
6106 tasting notes

Not bad, but nothing too special. Granted, it’s a couple years old, so who knows if it’s lost something between now and then, but I wouldn’t buy it for myself. Just tastes like tea, with a bit of a different flavour which is presumably from the flowers. I also wasn’t a fan of the numerous pieces that floated to the top as I had to scoop them out – hazard of steeping it in a large glass mug with no filter? Going to re-steep in a while so I don’t feel guilty about throwing it out!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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I have always been a tea fan (primarily herbals and Japanese greens/oolongs) but in the last year or so, tea has become increasingly more appealing as not only a delicious, calming drink, but as a relatively cheap, healthy reward or treat to give myself when I deserve something. I should clarify that, however; the reward is expanding my tea cupboard, not drinking tea – I place no restrictions on myself in terms of drinking anything from my cupboard as that would defeat my many goals!

My DavidsTea addiction was born in late 2011, despite having spent nearly a year intentionally avoiding their local mall location (but apparently it was just avoiding the inevitable!). I seem to have some desire to try every tea they’ve ever had, so much of my stash is from there, although I’ve recently branched out and ordered from numerous other companies.

I like to try and drink all my teas unaltered, as one of the main reasons I’m drinking tea other than for the flavour is to be healthy and increase my water intake without adding too many calories! I’ve found that the trick in this regard is to be very careful about steeping time, as most teas are quite pleasant to drink straight as long as they haven’t been oversteeped. However, I tend to be forgetful (particularly at work) when I don’t set a timer, resulting in a few horrors (The Earl’s Garden is not so pleasant after, say, 7+ minutes of steeping).

I’m currently trying to figure out which types of teas are my favourites. Herbals are no longer at the top; oolongs have thoroughly taken over that spot, with greens a reasonably close second. My preference is for straight versions of both, but I do love a good flavoured oolong (flavoured greens are really hit or miss for me). Herbals I do love iced/cold-brewed, but I drink few routinely (Mulberry Magic from DavidsTea being a notable exception). I’m learning to like straight black teas thanks to the chocolatey, malty, delicious Laoshan Black from Verdant Tea, and malty, caramelly flavoured blacks work for me, but I’m pretty picky about anything with astringency. Lately I’ve found red rooibos to be rather medicinal, which I dislike, but green rooibos and honeybush blends are tolerable. I haven’t explored pu’erh, mate, or guayasa a great deal (although I have a few options in my cupboard).

I’ve decided to institute a rating system so my ratings will be more consistent. Following the smiley/frowny faces Steepster gives us:

100: This tea is amazing and I will go out of my way to keep it in stock.

85-99: My core collection (or a tea that would be, if I was allowing myself to restock everything!) Teas I get cravings for, and drink often.

75-84: Good but not amazing; I might keep these in stock sparingly depending on current preferences.

67-74: Not bad, I’ll happily finish what I have but probably won’t ever buy it again as there’s likely something rated more highly that I prefer.

51-66: Drinkable and maybe has some aspect that I like, but not really worth picking up again.

34-50: Not for me, but I can see why others might like it. I’ll make it through the cup and maybe experiment with the rest to get rid of it.

0-33: It’s a struggle to get through the cup, if I do at all. I will not willingly consume this one again, and will attempt to get rid of the rest of the tea if I have any left.

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