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Goji Pop

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Not available
Apple, Creamy, Melon, Cranberry, Fruity, Hibiscus, Honeydew, Lemon, Strawberry, Sweet, Tart, Pineapple, Sour, Berries, Fruit Punch, Goji, Tropical, Berry, Floral, Candy, Tangy, Apple Candy, Citrus, Green Melons, Butter, Stonefruit
Sold in
Not available
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Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 15 sec 4 g 20 oz / 583 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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311 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sipdown! Tart and tasty, though it’s not quite as good as I remember. Probably won’t re-stock this one for a while, as I don’t think it’s a blend that will be discontinued so I should have nothing...” Read full tasting note
  • “A friend came over earlier this afternoon to have tea together and catch up. I had a jug of this cold steeping in the fridge since last night so we opted for that since it’s been quite a warm...” Read full tasting note
  • “EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! There was a snail floating in my tea as it steeping this morning! I am officially turned off! and I was going to make a lemonade based iced tea with this...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m sick. Like really, seriously, worthless, coughing a lung up, sick! How does a SoCal vegan girl who drinks at least one glass of green juice a day, and who works out religiously get a f’n chest...” Read full tasting note


Spring eternal

Legend has it that Li Ching-Yuen was born in China in 1677 and died 256 years later in New York. His secret? Goji berries. Your secret? This hot pink tea filled with sweet, sweet goji berries, rosehips, citrusy lemon oil, apple, melon, marigold and hibiscus. It’s probably the most delicious longevity formula ever. Which is key, since you’ll be popping it for the next two centuries. Caffeine-free.

Ingredients: Apple pieces, gojiRead more

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

311 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! Tart and tasty, though it’s not quite as good as I remember. Probably won’t re-stock this one for a while, as I don’t think it’s a blend that will be discontinued so I should have nothing to worry about.

On the plus(?) side… I emptied out one of my DT tins, so now I can justify picking up Banana Oolong even more….

Boiling 8 min or more
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Fjellrev 12 years ago

Yay for emptying a tin!

Kittenna 12 years ago

I know! Infrequent occurrence for me, haha.

Ellyn 12 years ago

How do you clean tins? I always have trouble making sure its all clean, dry, etc. I have taken to using denture cleaner tablets….

Kittenna 12 years ago

Honestly, I just rinsed it really well and now it’s upside-down drying. I figured that Goji Pop didn’t have too much that would linger in the tin, so I’m not too worried. I’m actually not a big fan of tins for the reason that they do have all these little crevices for tea pieces to lurk and not be cleaned out (also, my DT tins totally leak, so much for them being airtight…)

Ellyn 12 years ago

That is pretty much my method…although I did try the denture tablets, ha, was kinda weird when my husband (who has all his teeth) went to buy them…I have had to throw away a few tins due to the smell simply refusing to vacate!

Kittenna 12 years ago

Hahaha, yeah, I was thinking about picking up some tablets for cleaning some of my infusers, and possibly my travel mug. And I have all my teeth as well!

I only have… 5? tins, all of which were free from DT. Luckily I think the most smell-contaminated was the one I had Glitter & Gold in, and I replaced that with…. something else…. and it ended up being ok.

Ellyn 12 years ago

I use the tablets for my infusers and mugs also. They work great!

Kittenna 12 years ago

Good to know! Do they remove all the brown discolouration? (Also, how much do they cost?)

Ellyn 12 years ago

These are the ones I have:

it got off the brown yickies!

Kittenna 12 years ago

That’s crazy cheap! Thanks :D

Ze_Teamaker 12 years ago

Hmm, I have the same problem with tea tins smells as well. My mom said to use lemon juice with water to get rid of it, but never thought of denture tablets.

Lucy 12 years ago

I always use bleach to get the brown stains out of my travel mugs (as long as they’re metal interior.. I wouldn’t use it on plastic)

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1792 tasting notes

A friend came over earlier this afternoon to have tea together and catch up. I had a jug of this cold steeping in the fridge since last night so we opted for that since it’s been quite a warm day.

I think he liked it? We polished off the whole jug, practically. Love this one as is, without any sweetener. I swear there is a sparkly citrus note in there dancing amongst the goji berries.

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230 tasting notes


There was a snail floating in my tea as it steeping this morning! I am officially turned off! and I was going to make a lemonade based iced tea with this too! BLECK!

Boiling 1 min, 15 sec
Show 13 previous comments...
RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas 14 years ago


MaddHatter 14 years ago

No kidding, the girls were quick to exchange the tea and gave me a free “take-away” tea… So, I can’t be too upset…

Indigobloom 14 years ago

a snail? wow, that is some messed up tea

MaddHatter 14 years ago

The best was the comment from my brother-in-law: “Look who found the prize!” Oh snap!!

Indigobloom 14 years ago

lol extra protein!

Jenn 14 years ago

You are very special indeed! Tea for two and two for tea…hmmmhmm

MaddHatter 14 years ago

LOL! I like it Jenn!

Jenn 14 years ago

Ha! Not every tea comes with a friend to share it with :)

Jenn 14 years ago

P.S. I’ve already carefully sifted through my entire tin of Goji Pop looking for snails. I’m super paranoid now!

MaddHatter 14 years ago

LOL, Jenn… I am sure it is just a one time thing.

YellowBoxFish 14 years ago

Not with DavidsTea, but I’ve definitely had this happen. I worked at a tea farm once, and this is what happens when ingredients are handpicked at a pesticide, insecticide-free farms. Yeah it looks gross, but i find it kinda awesome that it’s good enough for little creatures like snails that have much less toxicity tolerance than us. I might be just a weirdo.

MaddHatter 14 years ago

It was a shock, but my (French Canadian) cousins were a little shocked that I was appalled at the notion of finding a traveller in my tea…

heatherwassing 13 years ago

I love that even though there was a snail in it you gave it a raiting of 95. That’s dedication!

MaddHatter 13 years ago

Oh, it had a rating of like 10… but then I gave it a second try.

Alisha 9 years ago

How’d a snail get in there!!?

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150 tasting notes

I’m sick. Like really, seriously, worthless, coughing a lung up, sick! How does a SoCal vegan girl who drinks at least one glass of green juice a day, and who works out religiously get a f’n chest cold in August?! If I could demand my money back from someone I would. AND to make matters worse, I have an abundance of new teas to try from the lovely LiberTeas and amazing Ashley that I’m too sick to begin trying. Booooooooo!

Well, my complaining aside, I have antioxidant packed Goji Pop to sooth my cough and fortify me for what’s to come. I hate being sick! Gish…

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QuiltGuppy 14 years ago

Sorry to hear you’re sick. Have you tried DavidsTea Cold 911? It works pretty well to help you feel better. I can send you some… :D

IllBeMother221B 14 years ago

I feel your pain Jenn, I was hit by what feels like a cold 2 × 4! I felt fine Sunday morning and then BAM around 4pm felt like dirt: cough, runny nose, sore throat! Ugh! Anyway feel better.

QuiltGuppy I tried looking for DavidsTea Cold 911 and it looks like they don’t make it anymore. :(

Jenn 14 years ago

QuiltGuppy to the rescue! Alas, I do not have any DAVID’sTEA Cold 911 on hand, BUT I would gladly trade you a big o’l bag-o-yarn for a sample if you can spare it :)

IllBeMother221B 14 years ago

Sounds like a fair and fun trade! Also makes me wish I knew how to knit!

Indigobloom 14 years ago

eeek, feel better soon! xx

QuiltGuppy 14 years ago

@Jenn – I will send it out tomorrow. Of course, you know, if you send me a big ol’ bag-o-yarn, I’m going to send you more than just a sample of Cold911. Hope Camp AJ (Auntie Jenn) went well for you! Maybe your nieces brought the cooties. Kids seem to find some tough ones.

@Wifey_Woman – If you’d like a sample, I can send one your way, too… :)

MaddHatter 14 years ago

poor you feel better soon!

Ashley Bain 14 years ago

:( Feel better Jenn! Sip on some fresh peppermint or ginger tea! Or peppermint-ginger tea. Always helps me a lot.

ScottTeaMan 14 years ago

I don’t drink tea when I’m sick. Also, when I have a cold, the tea is wasted on my poor taste & smell. GWS…….:)

IllBeMother221B 14 years ago

@QuiltGuppy – that would be great! Feel free to take a look in my cupboard and see if there is anything there you would like me to send in return.

ashmanra 14 years ago

Maybe all that healthy living will help you get over it faster! Hope you feel better soon.

Jenn 14 years ago

Wifey_Woman, I’m so sorry you’re sick as well. I wish you lived close by because I would happily teach you how to knit. I love it :)

Jenn 14 years ago

Taryn!!!!! I’m so glad you’re better sweetie. August is a stupid month to get sick.

Jenn 14 years ago

Erin, Indigobloom, and ScottTeaMan, thank you so much for your well wishes! I feel far less bratty today.

Jenn 14 years ago

Ashley, I’m drinking ginger green tea like crazy. It’s not even good tea, but I can’t really taste it anyway. I want to try your GOOD teas!

Jenn 14 years ago

Ashmanra, my husband eats total crap and never gets sick. I’m begining to think that there may be some health promoting ingredient in Oreos.

IllBeMother221B 14 years ago

@Jenn I’d travel for lessons. :)

Daisy Chubb 14 years ago

I’m sure there are enough preservatives in an Oreo to make you live longer at least… that’s science right? Science? I have a fine arts degree… anyways get well Jenn!

Jenn 14 years ago

DaisyChubb, stupid Oreos! You can’t argue with science, right?

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1379 tasting notes

Thank you Courtney for this sample. :)

Goji berries are not something I have had many times but I do remember experiencing their sour almost cranberry like flavours before.

It’s been such a long day at work and all I want to do is wind down and relax. Something fruity sounds nice and so does the idea of drinking something pink (which this claims to be on the packet).

In raw form this tea consists of large dried fruit pieces, red goji berries, dark red hibiscus petals and little shrivelled yellow petals that look like marigold. Looking at the ingredients list that covers just about everything so you can just about see it’s entire contents from looks alone. It’s nice when that happens. As the pieces are large they look like a mix between pot pourri and trail mix.

In scent this is fruity and sweet with high apple and citrus notes with a touch of something floral. It’s very yummy and juicy smelling. I used to have a lip gloss that smelled similar.

Once steeped this tea is light pink (the same colour as watermelon juice) and has a very gentle fruity aroma with a slight bitter tang.

Yummy. I can taste the melon and the apple :) I love melon. The consistency is light and refreshing with natural fruity sweetness and just a touch of sourness in the after taste. Thankfully the hibiscus is on the light side. While it’s sweet it’s on the lower levels of it but perfect for those of us without a sweet tooth (per say).

I just thought…I don’t crave puddings a lot of the time…I crave the tea form of it instead. If only there was a cheese and onion tea to take away my love for crisps (chips). A moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips…I need to remember that.

Ok back on course. The more I drink the stronger I can taste the melon and apple medley which is at the perfect balance for me. I imagine this tastes amazing as an iced tea, alas I only had enough to sample one teapots worth with (I’m not complaining…if Courtney wasn’t as wonderful as she is I would never have got to try this). Just making a mental note that if I am ever lucky enough to get my hands on some more I will definably try it iced. Maybe even in a slushy style (crushed ice).

The goji or hibiscus is coming through a little more now to create more of a sweet and sour fruit punch. It’s something that I would no doubt love to try again and those melon mad fans (like myself) need to try this.

Look at me I have waffle on a bit, so I will leave it there. I shall just sit back and watch Star Trek – Deep Space Nine.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec
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ohfancythat 12 years ago

Star Trekkkkkk! <3

Shmiracles 12 years ago


KittyLovesTea 12 years ago

I <3 Star Trek. Five Minutes ago I worked out I have seen at least one episode from each Star Trek version (crew) today. Nothing beats watching Star Trek with a pot of tea.

Tealizzy 12 years ago

Yay for tea and Deep Space Nine!

Courtney 12 years ago

I actually didn’t keep this in my cupboard initially after trying it hot. Then one day I had it cold at the store and it’s been in my cupboard ever since! I’m glad you enjoyed it :)

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17027 tasting notes

Cold Brew Sipdown (137)!

Got this as a free sample in an online order; at one point in time years ago I had a 100g tin of it that I naively bought before trying it when I was a far more inexperienced tea drinker. At the time, I did not like it and I swapped or gave away the majority of the tin. However I feel like so many years later trying it again might not be the worst idea. Tastes change, a lot. So you never know, right?

And actually, drinking this cold brew I have to say that I do like it a lot more than I remember liking it years back. The flavour may be mellow, but it’s nice. In some ways, that mellowness actually reminds me a little of other favourite tisane’s like Cuppa T’s Dragonfruit Cranberry which have that refreshing “vitamin water” kind of vibe to ‘em. In particular, this has a melon-like quality. In some ways it’s like a chilled out Watermelon Jolly Rancher, but less in your face/cloying and tart and more realistic/natural tasting.

I still don’t see it as something I’d want to stock up on, but if I did find myself with 50g of it I’d be content drinking it this time around instead of swapping it away. And that’s definitely an improvement!

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1473 tasting notes

I remember now why we got a tin of this, despite is being a heavier tea and thus more expensive per cup.

Because it is gorram delicious.

My wife had a Moment last night when she got home from work and actually drank all three teas I had set aside for her from my coldbrews. Bear Trap disappeared in a matter of seconds! She liked it more than this tea, but I disagree. I love Goji Pop.

It’s melon-y and fruity and light and refreshing. It’s summer in a cup and just plain wonderful.

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Fjellrev 11 years ago

Yes! I love this one too. I’ve been neglecting it as of late, though, trying to finish up other cold brew teas.

Daddyselephant 11 years ago

I had thought this might be moved into sipdown territory, but NOPE. This is love and I will always refill my tin lol. Besides, every once in a while, in the middle of sipdowns, you deserve a tea that you absolutely love. Especially if you’ve had a row of bad sipdowns and need a reminder of why you love tea XD

Fjellrev 11 years ago

Haha exactly. I feel like I’m forever working on teas I don’t particularly care for, so you’re right, you got to take a break and enjoy the ones you love.

Lynxiebrat 11 years ago

Aisling…exactly! a row of bad teas can be totally depressing, and definitely worth a pick me up!

Daddyselephant 11 years ago

Exactly! And let me tell you, after some of the teas I’ve had recently (Mango Madness and Licorice Twist, I’m looking at you), I needed a pick me up tea. Goji Pop and the Champagne I’m drinking now are definitely helping with that!

…that and finding out that De is taking me to the Zoo on Sunday!

Lynxiebrat 11 years ago

Weeee! As soon as the weather is consistantly warmer here, I want to visit the zoo, hopefully with my sweetie.

Daddyselephant 11 years ago

We’ve got a membership and now that we’ve moved, we’re a mere 15 minutes away. It’s awesome.

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1598 tasting notes

There wasn’t much left in this, and I’m not a big fan of this tea, so I just ate it. :P

Sipdown Umm.. chowdown?

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Kittenna 12 years ago


Sil 12 years ago


mrs.stenhouse12 12 years ago

Best. Note. Ever. :D

Ozli 12 years ago


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284 tasting notes

Gosh darn it I love this tea! Only ever drank it iced. Well, ok, one time I wasn’t patient enough for the ice to fully melt so I did get a taste of it warm but it doesn’t count. I ran out a while back and I waited — I don’t know why because it’s my go to “juice” tea. Ok, who am I kidding, it is my only juice tea. It is so good that I stock no others. God, is that bad to admit?

So anyway my order came and I am so pleased to have this in the house again. I don’t know what I will do if they ever pull it. I mean, even if I buy several 250 gram bags, I will still run out at some point. That’s how much I like it.

I don’t even know what to say in a tasting note. Because really, how do you talk about love? Talking about love is like dancing about architecture. :)

But ok, since someone who hasn’t had this might read this I shall give it a go. The dry leaf is chunky because of all the dried fruit so you need a lot which would make it a bit expensive. It tastes like melon. It’s red from hibiscus but you can’t taste hibiscus — at least I can’t. The second steep gets a bit more tart but the first steep is all melon and goji berries. Which is odd because apple is the first ingredient on the list.

Good enough?

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Fjellrev 11 years ago

This stuff is totally awesome, for sure!

keychange 11 years ago

How do you take this one?

Nxtdoor 11 years ago

About one heaped teaspoon of sugar to a 16 oz glass. I was just thinking that I might cut back a bit on that, last time it was quite sweet. A generous handful of ice cubes. I do not, however, fill my glass with ice cubes like they do for you at DAVIDs.

keychange 11 years ago

Oh ok. Do you like this one hot, also?

Nxtdoor 11 years ago

Dunno, never tried.

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464 tasting notes

Nothing like a refreshing cold-brew after a hot, sweaty run! I like the citrus bite that this tea has to contrast the mellower berry, apple, hibiscus flavors. Raising the rating just a little because it’s growing on me. Maybe it just tasted better because I needed to rehydrate. :-)

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