Snow Bunny (Organic)

Tea type
Black Fruit Herbal Blend
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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec 12 oz / 355 ml

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  • “Additional notes: Sipdown of this one… because I threw out the last remaining teaspoons. I don’t think I’ve ever thrown out tea before. I DID try this one again.. I took out all of the walnuts...” Read full tasting note
  • “I took this one out of the GCTTB when I had it last month. Banana, walnut bread? Really? That’s what this is suppose to be? To me this is chocolate coconut. I actually quite like it, but I’m...” Read full tasting note
  • “Blah I made the mistake of using a nasal spray before drinking this, so of course all its nasty artificial sweeteners are stuck in my throat and this will probably taste funny. But that won’t be a...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve never really been that impressed with this tea. It sorta gets a bitter walnut taste when steeped, instead of the banana nut muffin taste I imagined. I shared a pot with my mom who enjoys it...” Read full tasting note


Make tracks
Cold mitts putting a damper on your winter fun? Don’t worry. Go ahead and frolic. You can warm your hands back up with a hot cup of this delicious black tea blend. Imagine a thick, warm slice of banana nut bread. Now imagine you could have all that nutty sweetness in your mug right now. With big pieces of banana, toasty walnuts, and pretty calendula petals, it’ll keep you hoppin’ all winter. One sip and you’ll get a warm fuzzyRead more

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

60 Tasting Notes

4348 tasting notes

Additional notes: Sipdown of this one… because I threw out the last remaining teaspoons. I don’t think I’ve ever thrown out tea before. I DID try this one again.. I took out all of the walnuts that had a salty playdoh like flavor before. First sip and there was STILL a ton of that playdoh flavor so maybe it was actually the banana and not the walnut. Yuck! This one certainly doesn’t TASTE organic. I don’t think this has aged well. I hate throwing things away, but this one is definitely not drinkable when I have so many other lovely teas.

Crowkettle 11 years ago

I was always so choked that play-doh was neither tasty nor edible.

MissB 11 years ago

LUSH now sells edible, soap/playdoh. I only know it’s edible because, uh, my five-year-old decided to sample it.

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1040 tasting notes

I took this one out of the GCTTB when I had it last month.

Banana, walnut bread? Really? That’s what this is suppose to be? To me this is chocolate coconut. I actually quite like it, but I’m not getting any banana, not getting any walnut, not getting any bread.
That’s why I’m not filling in the “flavors” at the top of the tea page – I don’t want to give anyone bad info because of my OPINION – they see that first and have to scroll WAY down to get the official discription. I don’t want anyone to think this is a chocolate coconut tea, because I’m nuts…. :))

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TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Haha! Patience Dexter, patience…I’m sure they will hear ya on this one :-)

Dexter 11 years ago

I know, I need to let it go….. maybe being a little to vocal about it.

TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Nah, I don,t think you are… I spent more time this morning after a good night sleep looking at everything and I also posted on certain things that I feel need to be reviewed and corrected. That’s how it goes when new stuff is being implemented, they need our feedback to make it work better :-)

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1220 tasting notes

Blah I made the mistake of using a nasal spray before drinking this, so of course all its nasty artificial sweeteners are stuck in my throat and this will probably taste funny.

But that won’t be a problem because walnuts are apparently right up there with almonds in the bad flavoring department for me. While the sweetness I’m now trapped with actually makes it good, the walnut aftertaste is just awful. And even if I just keep the tea on my tongue, I can’t stand how it tastes, which is purely of walnuts. It tastes like nothing but walnut until I do actually drink it, then maybe I guess I get banana.

But ugh, nuts in tea, why can’t I get along with more of you? Eating you is no problem but the minute you’re infused in a beverage we’re not friends.

I’ll try it again, and I’ll steep it for less time too. Maybe that will help, but I can definitely tell it’s the nut flavor imparting a bitterness rather than the tea itself.

Thanks, Will Work For Tea!

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448 tasting notes

I’ve never really been that impressed with this tea. It sorta gets a bitter walnut taste when steeped, instead of the banana nut muffin taste I imagined. I shared a pot with my mom who enjoys it quite a lot, so I’m letting her keep what I have left.

Daniel Scott 12 years ago

Good to know. Walnut in tea, that’s a flavour combo I don’t get.

Kittenna 12 years ago

This tea is what got me liking banana in tea, but yeah, the walnut taste always ruined it (but then I found Banana Oolong!)

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6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! Yay! I have a bit of fondness for this tea because it was one of the first I tried, sent to me as a sample package for Christmas from my aunt. I finished that package, not liking it a great deal, but then bought a bit more and changed my mind a bit. This tea has quite a nutty aroma both dry and steeped, although the banana comes out during the infusion, making the aroma quite appealing, to me at least! The flavour is definitely reminiscent of banana walnut bread, as others have mentioned. Unfortunately, today I must have oversteeped the tea and it’s rather unpleasantly bitter :(

I think this is a good tea for nut lovers and those who enjoy flavoured blacks that are neither particularly sweet nor fruity yet don’t taste like a straight tea. Personally, I do prefer blacks with cream, caramel, vanilla (actually… this could taste great with a few of those flavours added! Has Frank ever done a caramel-glazed banana nut bread tea??)

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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1598 tasting notes

Thanks Janelle for letting me try this one! (167)

It’s not a bad tea, but this blend isn’t as memorable as Santa’s Little Helper or Read My Lips. I do like the banana walnut combo, and I can actually taste the calendula too, but it is a little salty, like Tea Sipper mentioned in their review.

I’m still happy I tried it!

ETA Oh. Oh, YUCK. As it cools it really tastes like Play-Doh. No exaggeration. Swooooosh

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Stephanie 11 years ago


OMGsrsly 11 years ago

LOL. Mmm, play doh.

tea-sipper 11 years ago

Yep, playdoh.

TeaLady441 11 years ago

There – I updated my rating to match the play doh.

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818 tasting notes

I’m trying to sipdown more of the teas I have that are just okay. This is one of them. It’s not bad, but it’s not great. Tastes like banana nut, but gets astringent quickly. Now I’m one cup away from a sipdown! So close!

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431 tasting notes

After a day of putting away the Christmas decorations my husband and I decided to make this tea as a treat for a job well done. I was concerned he wouldn’t enjoy it since it has walnuts in it but sometimes tea doesn’t react the same way as food so I made it anyway. This particular tea happens to be one I received as a sample with my order and boy am I glad. The moment I opened the package the aroma was intoxicating. I only hoped it would translate into the finished product. Once steeped it did translate but not as strong. Still enough to make one delicious cup. My husband didn’t even taste the walnut. He thought there was a strawberry flavor. I didn’t get what he got. I got the flavor of a dense warm slice of banana nut bread. I love banana nut bread. A great cuppa. I suspect I will have to order a larger bag in the future. Thanks for sending me this sample DAVIDsTEA

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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60 tasting notes

Clearly it’s not winter considering it’s almost 80°F outside and it’s only 9:00am, but this tea sounded like a good start to my early morning (the baby woke up at 5:30am, ouch).

Opening the sample packet (sent to me by the lovely Bonnie) it smelled of walnuts with a slightly yeasty aroma lingering in the background. Like a good slice of nutty bread. Considering this tea has been likened to banana nut bread, I saw this as a good sign.

The tea once brewed made my kitchen smell like a bakery- nutty, warm, sweet. The tea tasted the same! If banana nut bread were a liquid, it would be this tea.

The tea isn’t bad by any means, but with the strength of the nuts and other flavorings, you lose the tea flavor. And that to me was rather disappointing.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Bonnie 13 years ago

Good observation! Part of developing a taste for good tea!

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9 tasting notes

I wanted to like this much more than I did. I love the smell of it. Although I think the walnuts created a bitterness to the tea that made it almost un-drinkable to me. Next go round, I think i will pull some of the walnuts out before I brew, maybe that will help.

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