199 Tasting Notes
I actually enjoyed this one. Very light with jasmine notes and it has a subtle creaminess that makes this a very enjoyable session. I got about 12 steeps from this mini toucha. I steeped at very short intervals, increasing by five seconds after the first three steeps.
Flavors: Creamy, Jasmine
Thanks Stephanie for the sample!
Oh, Creamy Eggnog.. How deceiving you are.. The smells of vanilla and creamy goodness are apparent in the dry leaf. I steeped about 1tbsp in 16oz of 180 degree water for 4 minutes. Even the brewed tea looks like a nice browned butter color.
Wait. What’s this? It smells like.. buttered green beans! Not your every day buttered green beans, but the fancy ones that get made on Thanksgiving with the REAL salted butter, not that fake crap. It still smells creamy and buttery with a hint of vanilla.
The taste is smooth and creamy and buttery… with.. you guessed it.. the taste of buttered green beans! There’s nothing wrong with this tea – it’s actually pretty good and I enjoyed it. I just wish it was called “Buttered Green Beans” instead of “Creamy Eggnog!”
Flavors: Butter, Creamy, Green Beans, Vanilla
Unfortunately, I’m starting to concede that sheng is not for me. I received this sample from Wymm and steeped it gong fu style with the instructions, but I’m just not getting over the “earth” taste of the tea to be able to discern any of the other flavors. I’m going to keep trying with the various samples I have, but I’m feeling that pu is not for me :(
Thanks to Mandala for the sample!
This is a very complex cup.. When it’s hotter, it tastes more buttery and creamy and as the tea cools, it transforms into a slight roasty/nutty flavor. It tastes like a nice green oolong. My only complaint is that I’m finding it heavy to drink, so it might be better savored in smaller portions.
Flavors: Butter, Creamy, Nuts, Roasted
Thanks to Mandala for the sample :)
I love jasmine green teas and this is no exception. Unlike other phoenix pearls that I have had, these are not over-scented with jasmine, creating a smooth, floral flavor. These are much better than other pearls that I’ve had!
Flavors: Jasmine
Thanks Stephanie for this sample. This tea smells great, unfortunately, I also discovered that I don’t like guayusa :( I just couldn’t get over the taste and ended up pouring out the tea. I’ll refrain from rating this one since it’s not the tea’s fault.
I agree; swaps are great for figuring out what you like and don’t like without breaking the bank or ending up with a ton you don’t like.