I’ve been swamped with exams so I’ve just logging “blank notes”. In any case, this is one of my favorite teas from my roommate’s stash, which is weird because this tea is grapefruity but I don’t like real grapefruits. That says something about the awesomeness of this tea. <3
This is going in my 1st Lupicia order! I’ve only had one grapefruit tea, Adagio’s white grapefruit, but it was really good.
Lupicia is definitely one of my favorite companies— but that could just be because they have actual storefronts in the two cities I normally reside in so I can go in and do some sample “sniffings” before I buy. I’m a big fan of their flavored teas. My favorites are their Takibi (oolong), Paradise Green, Momo Oolong, etc.
This is going in my 1st Lupicia order! I’ve only had one grapefruit tea, Adagio’s white grapefruit, but it was really good.
Lupicia is definitely one of my favorite companies— but that could just be because they have actual storefronts in the two cities I normally reside in so I can go in and do some sample “sniffings” before I buy. I’m a big fan of their flavored teas. My favorites are their Takibi (oolong), Paradise Green, Momo Oolong, etc.
Lupicia’s flavors are so subtle, I love it. My only complaint would be that I have to use a bit more leaves than with other tea vendors when I brew up a cup of their tea.