

The Evolution Of A Tea Drinker!

I have been drinking tea since I was wee tiny kiddo. “Tea” has always been a huge part of our lives growing up. My mom gave us peppermint and ginger “tea” to cure any cold, lol. I remember when I was in elementary school, my grandmother would grab plants to boil and make “teas” for us grandchildren almost everyday after school. I remember everyday of high school I would wake up to the sound of the kettle and my mother preparing cups of “tea” for us before heading off to school.

It wasn’t until I went off to college, when I started to explore loose leaf “teas” and build a collection of tea ware. I started having friends over for tea parties and ditching the tea bags.

As time went on I began incorporating certain teas into a morning tea ritual as part of my meditation and yoga practice. Tea become my personal get away, calming and soothing private activity.

I soon began to incorporate teas into my business (I am a chef and own a line of condiments). I started pairing teas with foods and infusing them into foods. I started to explore the idea of becoming a tea sommelier and came across Chinese and Indian teas. About 3 years ago, I discovered eastern brewing and started incorporating Gong Fu Style brewing into my daily tea ritual. This year I began my exploration into puerhs and tea cakes.

It wasn’t until recently that I realized how important of a role tea has played in my life over the years – its kind of a funny thought, that most people wouldn’t understand, but I am pretty sure many of you here in this community understand all to well.

My taste has grown significantly over the years and I am here on Steepster to explore even further and learn from others, try new teas and build on my collection of stored teas.

~Salut ;-)




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