368 Tasting Notes
Peppery. Green and peppery. The typical soft, smooth, round flavors of a Darjeeling with a little spinach and black pepper right at the end.
I steeped less than the recommended time, and I am glad I did. I get the hint from what I can taste right now that another 45-60 seconds really would have made this like drinking a spinach salad. So I’m glad I cut it short.
This is definitely a unique set of leaves, as the name Darjeeling green oolong would suggest that they are.
The tea cabinet continues to dwindle. Order from Upton should arrive later this week. My brother flies in tonight, provided Hurricane Alex doesn’t cause problems at the airport.
I’m back to brewing in wide, flat Pyrex containers with a plate on top. It is obnoxious but produces the best results and easiest clean up. I strain into my teapots when steep time is done and so the tea pots don’t feel neglected.
I am using this up this morning. The cupboard is slowly becoming bare. Liz flew to Vermont last Friday and I will not see her for another sixty days. Work is tense. Life is dull and feels to be at a stand still.
I really don’t care how this tea tastes.
I’ll see what I have (when I get off this phone call) and PM you. I know that I have some Shanti Blue Unicorn on the way to my house… not sure when it will get here. I won that in a trivia challenge.
I seriously can’t wait for my Blue Unicorn!!!!!! I was their first Facebook winner…haven’t received it yet tho…
Oh… that’s sad. I keep looking in my mailbox, but it’s only been about a week and a half for me (won on twitter). So, you think I still have a couple of weeks to wait for that one?
@Kristin…not sure…I won well over a month ago tho!
@Jim – Blue Unicorn http://www.shantitea.ca/Green/Blue-Unicorn-p123.html
We’ve spent the past 24 hours being horridly American, over-eating without remorse. vegetarian Ethiopian last night (with good, thick coffee), vegetarian Chinese for lunch with completely insipid jasmine green tea (in bags?!), and Japanese for dinner tonight (sushi and tataki for me) with excellent shaded green tea (and saki). Now I am sitting on the couch, and groaning quietly to myself, and drinking decaf before rolling my fat butt into bed.
So I am using up the last of this pu-erh, and I am radically re-adjusting the rating.
I think when I first got it, in my mind, I made it as tasty as the varieties I’d gotten from Upton in the past, but the reality is, that it isn’t as good as those. Some of the notes I found in the two pu-erh I got from C.S. reminded me how much was really missing from this Omni/Rishi pu-erh.
I definitely won’t be buying this again because I can get the Upton Celestial Tribute for roughly the same price and I like that one much better.
Today was kind of a completely insane day from 8-11am and so tea steeping did not happen in anything remotely like a correct fashion. However, the results were more than drinkable, and the leaves even survived a double steeping without ill effect.
Horray for tea.