IYEMON Matcha Iri Genmaicha

Tea type
Green Tea
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Green, Toasted Rice, Sweet, Autumn Leaf Pile, Celery, Grass
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190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 30 sec 2 g 6 oz / 191 ml

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From Ujinotsuyu

Genmaicha is a mixture of green tea with roasted rice. It has less caffeine and tastes less astringent. This aromatic blended tea brings together the refreshing lightness, sweetness and the distinctive taste of roasted rice.

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14 Tasting Notes

368 tasting notes

I’ve been reading this crazy serious tea blog, recently, and I noticed that the author doesn’t steep in pots, he steeps in wide, open bowls. Well, I don’t have hand made, local clay, wire fire glazed tea bowls. But I do have huge, wide, Pyrex™ measuring “cups” that are at least very open and heat resistant. So I have been trying to make tea in those and see how that goes. If nothing else, the clean up is much easier than a tea pot ;-) I have, in the past, used my spherical Bodum™, with the plunger arrangement removed, for this purpose, but the glass is so thin I find there’s a lot of heat lost even in just a couple minutes, and if I’m doing a 15 minute pu-erh steeping, the water can be down to drinking temperature by the time the steep is done. The Pyrex™ is much heavier and should hold the heat better.

It could be completely psychosomatic, but this genmaicha seems to have “woken up” substantially from this steeping approach. I can taste a lot more of the deep green of the tea underneath the very strong roast of the rice which I have mentioned in the past that this variety has. Usually the roast completely overpowers the actual tea, but right now I think I can taste both about equally.

I have also done two steepings of the decaf Darjeeling from TG with this method and the results seemed much bolder, as well.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec
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~lauren. 15 years ago

I cannot believe it! Another Pyrex Method tea-ist! Me, too!

Jim Marks 15 years ago

Yes, so far I’m really liking this approach. After this tea, I did my TG Formosa Superior Choice this way and really liked the results.

This is definitely a stand-in method for me, though. It just means at some point I’ll be spending too much money on ceramic steeping bowls. ;-)

teabird 15 years ago

I’m intrigued – do you cover the “bowl” somehow? I’d be worried about losing heat through the surface of the water/tea

Kristin 15 years ago

Send me a picture of the bowl and maybe I’ll make you one next time I am at the pottery wheel. :)

Jim Marks 15 years ago

@Tea Bird ~ yeah, I put a plate on the top.

@Kristin ~ the ideal would be something like the item in the center foreground here, but larger (and it doesn’t need a saucer, just the bowl, and cap). basically just wide and open, but not a flat bottom, and with flat sides.


Kristin 15 years ago

Oh, ok. That’s more like a mug without a handle. That part I can do. Not sure about the lid. I’ve tried in the past and not been too successful with lids, but I’m sure it’ll be fun to try.

Jim Marks 15 years ago

To my mind, a mug has a flat bottom. Like a cappuccino bowl, I guess, but more like a bowl, bowl.

I mean, the truth is, I haven’t put any effort into finding something, yet.

~lauren. 15 years ago

The reason I defaulted to the Pyrex Method was in trying to cool some boiled water for use with greens! Most of my teaware seemed geared for insulation and I needed something to dissipate the heat (I don’t know why I don’t use the cooling down w/ adding cold water to boiled water method – just didn’t think to do that at the time, I guess). Once steeping begins, I, too, cover with a (stoneware) plate.

Jim Marks 15 years ago

We have one of those ice makers in our freezer door, so I use the cubes and a digital thermometer to get water down to steeping temperature quickly for doing delicate whites and greens.

Jim Marks 15 years ago

@Kristin ~ I think the real solution is to just find a tea pot with a really, really wide open top that isn’t designed for a steeping basket.

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382 tasting notes

As promised, more Iyemon tea! This time in the form of genmaicha. I’ve seen genmaicha referred to as popcorny, and this stuff is indeed quite popcorny, both in the taste and in the aftertaste. It’s also slightly sweet, at least initially, which I found interesting, although the sweetness went away as it warmed up. Eventually the sweetness fades to a bitter finish that, combined with the popcorn taste makes for a rather odd aftertaste that I can’t really say I’m overly fond of.

The taste of the underlying tea is kind of similar to the oolong I had earlier this week. Kind of woodsy, skirting along the edges of bitterness/smokiness without never quite making it over the threshold. There is, however, no traces of the matcha that was supposedly iri’d at some point in the creation of this tea. This is not one of my favorites.

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__Morgana__ 15 years ago

You’re really in tea-topia over there! Loving all these notes!

Ewa 15 years ago

I feel kind of bad for all the trash I’m generating, but Japan has recycling down pretty well and I have so far been able to avoid using disposable chopsticks so that’s always something.

Mel 14 years ago

What makes it Iyemon tea? I picked up this tea at my local Japanese store since I love trying to genmaichas. I googled and found nothing what Iyemon or iemon means, would love to be enlightened on the word.

Ewa 14 years ago

As far as I know, it’s just the name of a subgroup of teas within the brand. Looks like Iyemon was the name of the founder of the company.

Mel 14 years ago

thank you!

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64 tasting notes

Smooth and rich but the taste is flat sadly.
Thank you for the sample Mel!

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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248 tasting notes

This tasty tea came all the way from Japan for me. I’m such a sucker for any well-blended matcha and genmaicha tea like the ryokucha from Samovar. This tea is still very fresh, so the genmai is still very “crispy”. <3

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335 tasting notes

This tea has grown on me from the first sip on. It’s real green and lightly murky. Very strong smelling. Thick on the tongue. It is one of the more grassy teas I have tasted. One of the best loose teas I have bought from an Asian grocery store, of course that’s not saying much. The shop Mitsuwa near Chicago seems to have a good turn around on their tea, always featuring a new brand. Of all the Asian groceries, I think this would be the only place I would buy tea.

Anyways, it’s a good blend. Not my favorite genmaicha…but I’ll go through the bag no problem.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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358 tasting notes

I threw a couple of bags of this into a mug to drink during a meeting today and it ended up being really sweet! Just like sweetened toasted rice. First time having that experience with this tea.

Flavors: Sweet, Toasted Rice

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4336 tasting notes

Another sample from KiwiDelight. I’ve loved the genmaichas I’ve tried so far, so I was excited to sample another one. The dry leaves are small and flat, and there are some stems included. There is also toasted rice, which is much smaller than I’ve seen before. And everything is covered in a green dust of matcha. I was surprised when I took a sniff, because the dry tea doesn’t smell much like toasted rice, it mostly just smells like grass and leaves.

Well, the toasted rice aroma definitely came out while it was steeping! It made my whole kitchen smell, which was amazing. :D At first when I tasted the brewed tea, I got quite a bit of toasted rice flavor. But it seemed as I kept sipping, it moved more and more into the background and I could mostly just taste the tea. It’s quite grassy, with notes of autumn leaves and some kind of fresh vegetable taste that reminds me of celery or cucumber or something. When I finished the cup, the rice flavor came back as a lingering aftertaste.

I liked this tea, but I really would have liked more genmai flavor.

Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile, Celery, Grass, Toasted Rice

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
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Ost 11 years ago

Ah I love when teas make an entire room smell good! ^^

KiwiDelight 11 years ago

I think it’s so-so quality too, but sometimes it’s helpful to drink teas of different qualities so one can be able to distinguish what’s really good.

Cameron B. 11 years ago

Definitely! I appreciate the opportunity to try different teas whether I end up loving them or not. Thanks again. :)

KiwiDelight 11 years ago

You’re welcome! I hope you really enjoy the rest of the samples :3

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6 tasting notes

This is hands down the best green tea I’ve ever had. Very clean, fresh and hydrating, even with the savory genmai. A must-try for anyone who loves the taste of matcha.

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3 tasting notes

i love this tea! Found it in Japan and haven’t seen in my area except in chilled bottles / cans. As someone noted, it’s pretty grassy.

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