drank Chilly Willy Chai by Tea Revv
87 tasting notes

Slurping this one quickly to warm my toes.

The black tea is quite weak and watery, creating a dull base for this surprisingly spicy tea. I added milk, so it’s a little creamy with notes of caramel and cayenne pepper that’s sticking in my throat. Not much else to say about this one.

Pleasant, but not ground-breaking. I will finish the cup but won’t search this one out to buy more.

Also, as a side note, it’s really nice when your tea advent calendar matches the mood of the day. “Chilly Willy” is an excellent tea name when the Prime Minister of your country, who also happens to be cold-hearted dick, cancels Christmas for millions (including my family). Wasn’t it just a few days ago that he claimed it would be “inhumane” to do this?

First world problems, COVID Christmas edition: we should have bought a smaller turkey.

Flavors: Caramel, Cream, Pepper

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML
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Martin Bednář 4 years ago

Oh that First World Problems, haha!
Ehm, don’t worry having a bad PM, we aren’t much better here. They banned a drinks take away, then they changed it to only alcoholic drinks, and then all the drinks and now it is possible again, but not in public premises, so actually you shouldn’t drink it on path, so we actually have no idea what is valid and what isn’t.

Izzy 4 years ago

Martin Bednář yep, it’s like no one really knows what they’re doing… also, your tea envelope arrived! Thank you so much!!!

Martin Bednář 4 years ago

Woohoo! Hopefully you will try the teas soon! And not only them; I had such a nice time writing the message :)

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Martin Bednář 4 years ago

Oh that First World Problems, haha!
Ehm, don’t worry having a bad PM, we aren’t much better here. They banned a drinks take away, then they changed it to only alcoholic drinks, and then all the drinks and now it is possible again, but not in public premises, so actually you shouldn’t drink it on path, so we actually have no idea what is valid and what isn’t.

Izzy 4 years ago

Martin Bednář yep, it’s like no one really knows what they’re doing… also, your tea envelope arrived! Thank you so much!!!

Martin Bednář 4 years ago

Woohoo! Hopefully you will try the teas soon! And not only them; I had such a nice time writing the message :)

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A British tea lover with the crazy idea that she can review every possible tea. Ever. Check out my blog to see my progress so far…

My all-time favourite tea brands that I go back to for a cup of comfort:
Whittard of Chelsea
English Tea Shop

I rate teas on a spreadsheet, giving marks out of 10 for:
Condition of the tea leaves/ingredients,
Quality of ingredients (e.g. artificial flavours or freshly dried fruit?),
Dry aroma,
Wet aroma,
Sensation (how does it make me feel?),
and Colour.
Then, with a little head scratching, I do the math and work out the score out of 100.

Open to tea swaps – even internationally!


Chelmsford, UK



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