drank White Christmas by TeaMaze
3011 tasting notes

NO-vember is right. I am in denial that the year is slipping down the drain, particularly since we were cheated out of proper October weather. One should not have to wear short sleeves and flip flops at Trunk or Treat! Furthermore, what colorful foliage we did have (not a lot because it’s been so dry) blew away in a three-day gust fest. It’s all on the ground now.

Grump, grump, grump.

On the bright side, the weather has indeed shifted, we are looking forward to a cool, rainy, weekend, and I am able to enjoy a warm cuppa in the evenings. Case in point, this simple little mishmash from TeaMaze. Chamomile, apple, cinnamon. Nicely balanced, nothing else needed.

The only quirky thing about it is the crazy-long recommended steep time. Twenty minutes, seriously. I just started the cup well in advance of rocking chair time, nearly an hour, and heated it back up. Still mild and gently fruity.


20 minutes! My word haha!


I have a tea with a ten minute steep time and I thought that was bad! I rarely drank because by the time I knew I wanted tea, I wanted it faster than that and double steeping meant a twenty minute wait.

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20 minutes! My word haha!


I have a tea with a ten minute steep time and I thought that was bad! I rarely drank because by the time I knew I wanted tea, I wanted it faster than that and double steeping meant a twenty minute wait.

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Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, preparation, classification, or rating; lover of strong unleaded builders’ tea. Never quite grew up—I cut and glue, play with Legos, design kids’ curriculum, and play with fifth graders every Sunday.


Southwest Missouri

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