It groppled today. The weather guy said so. Little miniature snowy-ice-balls about the size of a baby ladybug. We also had sleet, freezing fog, freezing rain, and snow within a 12-hour period. I expect either oobleck or meatballs by midnight.

Couple the frozen weather extravaganza with being out in it for a while and I’ve got tense muscles in places I forgot I had. So a comforting rocking chair brew is the RX for the evening.

…and this one was a surprise. The front of the box touts vanilla and nutmeg as the headliners, so I was expecting something like eggnog. Then I noticed the fine print…lemon balm and lemongrass are in the mix as well. Together, the additions to a reasonably deeply flavored decaf base make an unusual but tasty nightcap. (But you need to be a nutmeg fan. I am.)


This and the jam and toast one might end up in cart as soon as I make a couple more sipdowns.


The jam and toast is heavenly with milk.


Graupel – Heavily rimed snow particles, often called snow pellets; often indistinguishable from very small soft hail except for the size convention that hail must have a diameter greater than 5 mm
Just in case you were wondering how much of weather geek I am.


I knew you’d know!

Maddy Barone

Yikes! That weather sounds downright scary. Good tea drinking weather and that’s the best that can be said for it.

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This and the jam and toast one might end up in cart as soon as I make a couple more sipdowns.


The jam and toast is heavenly with milk.


Graupel – Heavily rimed snow particles, often called snow pellets; often indistinguishable from very small soft hail except for the size convention that hail must have a diameter greater than 5 mm
Just in case you were wondering how much of weather geek I am.


I knew you’d know!

Maddy Barone

Yikes! That weather sounds downright scary. Good tea drinking weather and that’s the best that can be said for it.

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Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, preparation, classification, or rating; lover of strong unleaded builders’ tea. Never quite grew up—I cut and glue, play with Legos, design kids’ curriculum, and play with fifth graders every Sunday.


Southwest Missouri

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