Spring break and a quieter pace at work made it possible for me to do some much-needed office cleaning, especially the tea bin, which had turned into “the dump for stuff I didn’t think was that great at home.” I did a little shameless thinning and pitching, and I may need to do more, as evidenced by this musty bag of Bigelow.
Had it been fresh and steeped with a little more care, I could’ve liked it. Bigelow is pretty good about not overdoing things—both berry flavors were primarily “just berry,” even though hibiscus was a primary ingredient. (Why, people, why?) Oh, well…another one bit the dust!
Twinsies! I am working on my tea stash today! Free samples, gifts, swaps, impulse buys….thinning and rearranging so th8ngs don’t get lost in the shuffle as much. (Ahem. Hopefully.) Also reaaaally being firm with myself about being “on restriction.” (We all know how that turns out…)