AJRimmer, is this the kind that has some vanilla rooibos in it as well? Whether it does or doesn’t, I am especially thankful for the sample you sent my way!
First thing I noticed: It most definitely smells floury like Aunt Nancy’s homemade pie. She set the family gold standard of pecan pies with local pecans the size of your thumb. When I was little (6-ish), my big brother (14 years older) and I had a deal: We’d share a slice; he’d eat all the pecans and I’d get the goop and the crust, which we all know is the best part.
Steeped straight with no add-ins, there’s plenty of pecan flavor and scent (especially with bag left in the cup) but not a lot of syrupy goop. I think I may be able to fix that next time with a little milk.
The tin that I bought from them is just the pecan pie puerh without the other tea blended in! I’ve sampled their blends at their shops before but haven’t bought them yet! And I have a similar pie arrangement with my partner where I eat the pumpkin pie filling and leave the crust for him :P
The tin that I bought from them is just the pecan pie puerh without the other tea blended in! I’ve sampled their blends at their shops before but haven’t bought them yet! And I have a similar pie arrangement with my partner where I eat the pumpkin pie filling and leave the crust for him :P
OK, then it must be the dried safflower I’m looking at rather than rooibos. The scent, even of the cold dregs in my cup today, is wonderful!