Lovely straw colour.
Lots of cardamom (mainly) and cloves in aroma, some apple and base green tea straw notes more in the back.
Lots of spices in flavour, with base green tea and apple forming a delicate background.
Not as warming as I thought it would be, but tasty, even if tad bland. Could use some more characterful tea as base and more apple, but I don’t see it as a flaw.

Flavors: Apple, Cardamom, Cloves, Straw

180 °F / 82 °C 5 min, 0 sec 5 g 10 OZ / 300 ML

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I drink tea almost all the time.

However, my tea drinking can be divided into two main categories.

1. I work a lot at my computer and when I work, I need to always have tea at hand. That’s when I drink bag varieties, mostly black blends, often corporate ones. They need to be at least drinkable, of course, but I don’t focus on the taste much, though I don’t go below a certain level…

2. When I read (and read a lot) or when I’m just relaxing, I savor tea. That’s when the better varieties come into play, that’s when I use leafs instead of bags, that’s when I really focus on what I’m drinking.

I’m Polish, temporarily living in Copenhagen, Denmark.



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