Another note with scrubbed text as Steepster was being fixed. Don’t feel inspired to retype the original from memory.
First steeps need some coaxing to bring out the flavor in a liquor that will otherwise taste like sweet, viscous springwater. Usually the third steep for oolong tea holds the magic; that’s the case here but it continues to become more powerful (read: bigger body and more tannic) as steeps progress. Upfront flavors are papery and dry grassy with the real meat of the experience happening in the back of the mouth. First session had loads of mango and coconut water coming from the back. Second and third sessions were less impressive in that regard. This tea feels like it has a lot of caffeine.
Flavors: Butter, Coconut, Dry Grass, Drying, Egg, Floral, Grassy, Lemongrass, Lilac, Mango, Milk, Mineral, Paper, Peach, Salad Greens, Soybean, Spinach, Spring Water, Strawberry, Sugarcane, Tannic, Toast, Vanilla, Violet, Viscous, Wheat