my third time tasting a sample and being the first to give a quick review of this tea!
All things nice, sure sound nice! Jasmine flavored white tea combined with liquorice root lemongrass and cinnamon. I like alot off the ingredients. Being a white tea i’m going to brew this with 80°c water and for about 3min.
But first the dry leave look very appealing big chunks off that liqorice root and a lot off lemongrass/cinnamon and whole rose its a nice blend!
When i brewed it the first thing i’m noticing is the cinnamon smell and the vibrant lemonade like green/yellowish color. Upon letting this tea cool down a bit i’m tasting first and all jasmine flavor combined with cinnamon. The lemongrass isn’t in the face but its there in the background. This tea is very very sweet probably because off the liqorice root (in the discription they say its sweeter then sugar) and its true… maybe its even a bit to sweet for me!
Its a special blend that any white tea lover needs to try, its got alot off different things going on all at the same time. So its a bit hard to understand this tea, but thats a good thing… my personal opinion is positive but i’m not sure if i order it again due to being a bit to sweet to my taste…