Received my samples almost 2months after shipment, a bit late but then again a very very nice surprise! Thanks Laurent for the samples!
First up is je t’aime!
The dry leaf smells strongly to vanilla and caramel, very strong even. I’m brewing this 2 times like i do with all my blacks. First cup is a brew for 3min on boiling water.
The color of the brew is very dark and smells more like vanilla and less caramel. My first sips off the tea reveal a soft tasting vanilla aroma with hints off caramel. The caramel is not ruling the cup but thats maybe because its still a bit to hot. When its cooled alot more i’m noticing the caramel as a very nice after taste.
This is a very good first cup and i’m enjoying how smooth it tastes, pretty sure i’m going to order this in near future. But from nina’s european branch in paris…
Fingers are crossed for you… enjoy your time with this new friend :-)
ah tnx alot :)
The perfect tea to express your love with, good luck :-)