Tea Revv

Recent Tasting Notes

drank Vanilla Cinnabun by Tea Revv
2606 tasting notes

Light cinnamon flavor on a pretty weak base. There’s something a little metallic in there as well. I was really hoping for some pastry flavor, but I keep getting metal. That flavor luckily dissipated as it cooled. There’s something a little bit creamy, but no pastry. I wouldn’t have this one again.

Now that I’ve finished my 2019 Tea Revv advent calendar, I’m thinking back on all the teas I’ve had from them. A couple have been super good, though many have been average or bad. Honestly, the ones that are tasty are good enough that I might consider an advent calendar from them again…maybe. If they had enough new flavors so I don’t have to have ones I already know I dislike. I wouldn’t recommend it to others though.

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drank Toffee Apple by Tea Revv
2606 tasting notes

I don’t taste any toffee here. There’s a pleasantly tart fruit flavor like strawberry or raspberry. I do enjoy the fruit flavor, but if it had had an actual toffee apple flavor, that would have been pretty great. It feels like this must have been mislabeled/misnamed, because it’s a pretty tasty berry tea and definitely not toffee apple, but the ingredients seem to match up with the label.

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drank Chilly Willy Chai by Tea Revv
2606 tasting notes

Thanks to tea-sipper for this sample! The flavors aren’t unique or very interesting, but it’s a decently hearty chai. I think the problem for me might be that it’s not super balanced. It mostly just focuses on one spice…though my tastes aren’t sophisticated enough for me to know which one. Maybe it’s ginger, though you’d think I’d recognize ginger. I don’t know. It’s not wimpy on the spice front, which I appreciate. I just wish for a little more complexity.

tea-sipper 4 years ago

Yeah, I think it’s the ginger!

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drank Candy Cane Popcorn by Tea Revv
2606 tasting notes

This one tastes like caramel popcorn. The second steep was super tasty as well. I really like the flavoring they used. I don’t get any candy cane at all, it’s 100% caramel corn to me. I had it both with and without milk. I’d drink it again for sure.

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Cameron B. 4 years ago

Okay, candy cane popcorn sounds like the best thing ever… Like peppermint bark on popcorn?! :O

AJRimmer 4 years ago

It’s something I never realized I wanted until I saw this tea name!

Tiffany :) 4 years ago

Sounds like a winner.. Caramel corn from david’s tea was one of the first favorite teas of mine.

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drank #SPB3 Gingerbread by Tea Revv
2606 tasting notes

The flavoring here is really artificial and alcohol-y. It doesn’t taste at all like gingerbread or spices really. Not sure how they messed that up since they just needed to throw spices in there. It’s a shame.

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drank Cinnapple Green by Tea Revv
2606 tasting notes

The flavor has some light cinnamon and maybe a bit of apple, which isn’t bad. I do enjoy the flavoring, and the green tea was okay as well. I think I actually liked this one better warm. As it sat in the fridge, the green tea got a bit murky for me.

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drank Cookie by Tea Revv
2606 tasting notes

Quite thin and metallic. Nothing that says cookie at all. I tried adding milk, but that didn’t really cover up the metal flavor. It’s the only thing I taste.

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drank Pancake Stack by Tea Revv
2606 tasting notes

The flavoring is definitely lighter in this one than in some of their other blends, which is too bad since this flavor sounded the best. In fact, it tasted quite plain and I don’t love this base tea. Maybe I brewed it improperly, but it just didn’t turn out perfect. It’s a little sour and artificial, but just a little. I guess the saddest thing of all is that it doesn’t taste like pancakes, just not that great black tea.

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drank Pumpkin Woopie by Tea Revv
2606 tasting notes

I actually really like this. I don’t taste any pumpkin, but the tea tastes like soft marshmallows. I technically made this for a family member, took a sip, and drank the whole thing myself! It’s so softly desserty and tasty. I drank it as a latte, which I’m sure helps. The flavor isn’t in your face at all, but I wish I had more of this!

Lupiressmoon 4 years ago

Ha. the name is memorable. Interesting it tastes like soft marshmallows, sounds like a fun tea.

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drank #5 Ice Cream Earl Grey by Tea Revv
2606 tasting notes

Pretty strong bergamot, but not much else going on. I can’t see what about this blend says ice cream. The name was so exciting, but there’s really nothing that distinguishes it from other blends. I followed the advice that someone posted on here a few weeks ago and added cool whip to the cup, but then it became more of an exercise in eating cool whip and not so much in tasting the tea. That being said, I’m definitely adding cool whip to a different EG blend I have tomorrow.

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drank Christmas Spice by Tea Revv
2606 tasting notes

Huh, this tastes much fruitier than I expected with a little bitterness at the end of the sip. The orange flavor is quite nice and authentic. There are spices in there too and a bit of a metallic flavor. Milk seems to help with the metal, but it also covers a little of that delicious orange flavor. I actually do end up liking this one, though it’s not super great.

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drank Maple Kind by Tea Revv
2606 tasting notes

I had to keep adding sugar to get this one to taste how I wanted it to. I did end up liking the maple flavor, mild as it was. I always want the maple to be lots stronger in these types of teas. It would have been way better on a quality black base. I just found the green tea to be a bit discordant with the other flavors. It took milk well.

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drank Winter Cranberry by Tea Revv
2606 tasting notes

Not a big fan of fruity black teas, and this one is very much not for me. Metallic flavor and a bit of fruit that could very well be cranberry. It was not well done. The flavoring wasn’t bad, but the base tea let it down.

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Nice creamy flavor. A tiny bit of spice, a little tang like eggnog has. I’m having it with milk, and really, it’s pretty great! I’d totally have this one again!

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drank Spiced Orange by Tea Revv
2606 tasting notes

I only drank a few teas from the 2019 Tea Revv advent calendar, so I made it my goal to finish the rest of them now.

Eh, this one is not very remarkable. Quite light flavoring so you can’t tell what the flavor is. I don’t love the base tea and wouldn’t want it again. Definitely not a winner.

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drank Sweet Ginger by Tea Revv
87 tasting notes

Tea Revv Advent Calendar 2020, Day 20

This is a new blend for their 2020 calendar!

Fruity (apples, bananas, grapes), honey, nuts (almonds), and liquorice aroma – slightly medicinal but not overly sweet.

The flavour is sweeter, but I’m not getting the ginger as much as I should. There’s a hint of sweet ginger biscuits – brown sugar and mild, non-fiery ginger. I’m getting banana and honey more though. Maybe stonefruits like apricots and peaches, plus apple. It’s a bit fruity but not in a berry way. More in the starchy and sticky way. The rooibos adds a subtle nuttiness, but not much body.

The texture is really nice – smooth and slick over my tongue. It doesn’t catch like some fibrous ginger teas do.

I’m pleasantly surprised by this one, as banana is far from my favourite flavour. Even though the name is “Sweet Ginger” I’m glad the ginger is subtle. I quite like the fruity notes as they are.

Flavors: Almond, Apple, Brown Sugar, Ginger, Grapes, Honey, Licorice, Medicinal, Nuts, Stonefruit

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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drank Chilly Willy Chai by Tea Revv
87 tasting notes

Slurping this one quickly to warm my toes.

The black tea is quite weak and watery, creating a dull base for this surprisingly spicy tea. I added milk, so it’s a little creamy with notes of caramel and cayenne pepper that’s sticking in my throat. Not much else to say about this one.

Pleasant, but not ground-breaking. I will finish the cup but won’t search this one out to buy more.

Also, as a side note, it’s really nice when your tea advent calendar matches the mood of the day. “Chilly Willy” is an excellent tea name when the Prime Minister of your country, who also happens to be cold-hearted dick, cancels Christmas for millions (including my family). Wasn’t it just a few days ago that he claimed it would be “inhumane” to do this?

First world problems, COVID Christmas edition: we should have bought a smaller turkey.

Flavors: Caramel, Cream, Pepper

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML
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Martin Bednář 4 years ago

Oh that First World Problems, haha!
Ehm, don’t worry having a bad PM, we aren’t much better here. They banned a drinks take away, then they changed it to only alcoholic drinks, and then all the drinks and now it is possible again, but not in public premises, so actually you shouldn’t drink it on path, so we actually have no idea what is valid and what isn’t.

Izzy 4 years ago

Martin Bednář yep, it’s like no one really knows what they’re doing… also, your tea envelope arrived! Thank you so much!!!

Martin Bednář 4 years ago

Woohoo! Hopefully you will try the teas soon! And not only them; I had such a nice time writing the message :)

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drank Cinnapple Green by Tea Revv
87 tasting notes

Day 18 in my Tea Revv advent calendar. I distinctly remember someone on Steepster warning me about the Tea Revv advent calendar last year. I can’t remember who, but they definitely forewarned me about the excessive flavouring they add.

I didn’t listen.

This is the only green tea in the 24 days (why?!) and it’s not so bad. I can taste the perfume of the rose with notes of cinnamon something slightly sweet – probably the apple. It’s not a distinct appley flavour. And the green tea isn’t that pleasant. It’s astringent, which doesn’t work with the cinnamon and apple flavours in this blend.

Ah well. It’s nowhere near as bad as the atrocity that was day 2. Choc Mint. That one had such a strong nail polish aroma. It took days of washing to get the chemical taste out of my tea infuser.

Flavors: Astringent, Cinnamon, Perfume, Rose

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML
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Courtney 4 years ago

Nail polish aroma? My word. Blech.

Izzy 4 years ago

Blech indeed. And congrats on completing your ecology exam!

Courtney 4 years ago

Thanks! :)

Martin Bednář 4 years ago

I think I have got some awful cuppas too. Nail polish is something I have no idea how it smells like; but it can’t be nice.

Izzy 4 years ago

Nail polish smells like chemicals and pure alcohol. Like paint stripper. It’s really horrible and should never be present in tea!

Courtney 4 years ago

It’s very intensely chemical-y Martin. I might be terrified to have a food item with that scent haha!

Martin Bednář 4 years ago

Oh noo, how can foodstuffs be like that?!

ashmanra 4 years ago

My husband thinks tea with chocolate flavoring (not real cacao nibs and such) smells like sharp mildew. I can see that also translating to nail polish.

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drank #19 Eggnog by Tea Revv
346 tasting notes

The 12th tea of last year´s 12 teas of Xmas. There clearly is a reason to leave a blend with the name of “eggnog” for the last, as I´m not a fan, not of eggnog and neither of pairings with cinnamon. But…it surely could have been worse!
Quite balanced, with not too much cinnamon around, so that´s fine with me ;-)

Flavors: Cinnamon, Spices

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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I still had 2 Xmas teas left from the “12 teas of Xmas” I bought last year, so I had these the last few days.
Frosted Fruit Spice : not sure about the “frosted” bit, but fruity in mouth and spicy in nose indeed. Fortunately (for me) not too many spices in action in taste, although I saw some cloves in the blend, and they surely can overwhelm a tea! Overall an enjoyable fruity tea with spicy notes, but nothing to convince me to take it more often ;-)

Flavors: Cinnamon, Cloves, Fruity, Red Fruits, Spices

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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drank Spiced Orange by Tea Revv
346 tasting notes

Another of the 12 teas of Xmas I didn´t manage to drink in December. When I see “spiced orange”, I tend to avoid it, as it´s often over-spiced, over-orangey, over the top with fragrances which can be everything apart from subtle ;-) and I love spices, I love orange…in a delicate, balanced way!
So, first nice surprise was the aroma of the loose tea : one can tell the orange, and the spices, nothing too overwhelming or agressive though. Actually, it reminded me of “peperkoek”, a soft sweet treat typical for our celebration of Saint Nicholas (6th December)…definitely a positive point. Then, the brew : it´s OK, although a lot of the subtle aroma´s have been lost. As far as I am concerned, this is a lot better than what I expected (a gluewine-ish tea with straight-in-your-face clove), but quite a disappointment after the nose of the dry, loose tea.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Clove, Cookie, Orange

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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drank Maple Kind by Tea Revv
346 tasting notes

This is another of the “12 teas of Xmas” I´m only now drinking, and this one only had one previous review, and a seriously bad one! So, very weary…although I´m quite happy with the result. Dry the tea only smelled “maple syrup” with a lot of imagination ;-) …and in the ultimate finish of the smelling experience. When brewed, the leaves open up nicely, and make for a yellow varnish coloured drink with a kind of caramel aroma to it, not too overwhelming, and not up front, so at least the blend was made being moderate with the flavourings (what I can appreciate). Then, the drink itself : the grassy character of a lot of green teas has been softened by the floral and sweet additions. I´m not too familiar with the real maple syrop to be able to tell this tea really contains it (and I honestly am not too concerned, as like in other drinks with good – but “foreign” – ingredients, e.g. coffee stout, I tend to prefer the good ingredient on its own or in a “traditional use”) : it seems like something caramel-like, but only in the finish, and continuing for quite some time in the back of the mouth. That´s OK by me (to drink this once).

Flavors: Caramel, Floral, Green, Maple Syrup

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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drank Toffee Apple by Tea Revv
346 tasting notes

I´m finally getting through my “12 teas of Xmas” I bought last December! I shared with my husband who likes apple-based desserts (I prefer the fruit itself as it is).
A lot of caramel coming through in nose dry, and once steeped the apple comes in and softens everything up, and only in the finish the toffee gets you, so this tea actually works. I´m not a huge fan of sweet brews, but I do understand that this might be a hit over Xmas.
When I saw the tea taking coulour, I knew the hibiscus might be overwhelming the blend, but it actually stays quite subtle – apart from the colour.

Flavors: Apple, Caramel, Hibiscus

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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drank Rum Pud #SPB4 by Tea Revv
6444 tasting notes

Iced Latte Sipdown (291)

This tastes like low quality black tea and flavouring. It reminds me of an adagio blend that doesn’t really taste like much. Happy it was just the one serving and now I can say bye to all the last of my Tea Revv teas.

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