Praise Tea Company

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I’m sad this company does not ship to Canada!

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I must admit that I was nervous to try this tea. I opened up the pouch and found that there were large pieces of cinnamon, small beads of pepper and very little rooibos! I don’t like spicy or peppery teas in the slightest.. but this tea intrigued me. The smell is definitely of spices, cinnamon and a hint of sweetness.. similar to a cinnamon bun.
The taste is a bit mild compared to the smell. I don’t taste rooibos or cocoa/chocolate. It makes my tongue and throat tingle. The flavor is really just cinnamon and spices with an odd sweetness in the background. This is too peppery/spicy for me. I won’t be buying this.

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Goji Berries! Well, I have found, like LiberTEAs, the other Goji Berry Teas I have had have been way to tart for me…this one…has the prefect amount of Goji Berry Flavor! It’s slightly sweet, tart, and bitter…but a good bitter, almost like a Cranberry-fruity-type bitter. I like it! The Blueberry flavor is plump and juicy. The Green Tea flavor is RIGHT ON!!!! Very nice flavored green! I really like this HOT and think it would be awesome cold, too.

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This is a smooth tea that has the lovely scent of a lemon dessert. I appreciate its creamy aspect and was actually expecting more of a tart flavor from the lemon. This is a great tea to have before bed. It’s creamy, sweet & very nice all on its own.

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I want to like this tea, but I’m not impressed. I mostly taste black tea with a flavor that wants to be caramel, but isn’t. Now, it’s not terrible, but I can hardly call it a dessert tea. It lacks the nice sweetness of caramel.

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A great green tea/black tea blend! I’m always interested in those!

The fruity-peach and floral-rose type tastes meet in the middle as do the green tea and black tea tastes! Everything is pretty even-steven and nothing too overpowering! Having said that…this IS a flavorful blend tho!

Very nice!

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I’ve tried many different chocolate teas in the past.. MANY and most of them have been mediocre. I was thinking about just drinking hot chocolate instead of tea until I brewed a hot cup of Chocolate Truffle! This tea is fantastic. It’s dark, has a rich smell and to be honest, doesn’t taste like tea. I wouldn’t say that the flavor is PURE, dripping and thick chocolate. Yes, it’s chocolate.. but it’s more of a bitter/baking chocolate taste. This tea strangely feels thicker in the mouth. This sensation combined with the flavor has me gulping it down without thinking that it’s tea. The aftertaste is of black tea leaves.. making me feel that the tea doesn’t want to be forgotten. “I’m here, too!” it whispers. A nice combination of a bitter chocolate & black tea. Delish.

Meghann M

Yum, great review, sounds like something I’ll have to pick up soon!


it probably feels thick because it has small milk chocolate chips in it, i’m guessing they melt when brewed. tbh i don’t really consider it a tea anymore :/ but still, bet it would be tasty…

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Special Thanks to LiberTEAs for this!

I love the look of this dry as well as the aroma both dry and post infusion! Beautiful!

The green tea is a very ‘clean’ green tea taste. The Cranberry is the flavor that pops thru the most of the 3 flavors, that is. The raspberry comes in 2nd and seems to tone do the natural bitter cranberry flavor…they meet in the middle nicely. The rose is hanging out in the background and gives it just enough floral hints that make everything come full circle. This is very unique and creative and I think it’s just terrific!

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Human error…
I tried this one with milk last night…
mind you I REALLY don’t like milk in my teas
I don’t know what possessed me to do that…but it reminded me why I don’t add milk to my teas…blah!

I’ll stick to PLAIN teas – go all-natural! :)

I don’t know I LOVE this one plain so I will keep rating as is

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This may be the most chocolatey tea I have tasted to date! If you are looking for a CHOCOLATE Tea try this! WOW! LOVE this!!!! I will FOR SURE be doing a full review on SororiTEA Sisters! Thank You LiberTEAs for this one!!!


Very Rich! VERY Chocolate!!!! Very good!


As it cools there seems to be a chocolate mixed drink sort of factor that comes into play…alcoholic-esque


Nice review this sounds yummy I like trying chocolate teas.

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I am finishing off the last that I have of this tea – it will be missed!

Delicious! Rich! There are chocolate-y notes to this that remind me very much of Dawn. A very good black tea. One of the best!

The DJBooth

You know I’m going to have to try some tea from Praise especially since they are right here in Cleveland.


You definitely should. I recommend this one in particular, it has been my favorite that I’ve tried of theirs. Completion is also very good.

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I slept longer than I had planned to this morning, so I had to head out to my meeting without the benefit of tea. I compensated for that by treating myself to a cup of this tea! I really like this one a lot!

You can read my full-length review of this tea here:

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I love this tea. Robust and rich and delicious. A nice way to start the day!

I noticed that my full-length review of this tea will be published tonight on the Tea Review Blog!

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Thank you to TeaEqualsBliss for sending me some of this tea to try!

I LOVE Bolivian Black teas. They have a flavor that is very similar to Dawn (from the Simple Leaf) to me… sweet, savory and very delicious. So when I got this tea from a recent package from TeaEqualsBliss, I was very happy!

The flavor is indeed sweet and savory, with hints of savory cocoa and a sweet caramel-y undertone. It is rich and soothing. Delicious. Something about this tea makes me want to just curl up with it and be alone! I love it!

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

Second infusion: not quite as dark but still very delicious. The flavor is a little thinner but I can still taste the wonderful caramel tones and chocolate notes. YUM!

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Very nice blend of spiciness and fruitiness. I can taste the oranges, raisins, cinnamon, and vanilla most prominently. The taste is similar to RoT’s Tea of Good Tidings, though I think that this one has a bit more citrus to it, which I prefer. It’s a very nice cup to wake up to on a cold winter’s morning!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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A wonderfully-flavored tea for any time of day that is nice hot or iced. Makes a great everyday tea for those that want/need a decaf tea.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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It’s official: I have a snow day tomorrow! The snow has finally appeared and is, apparently, coming down at a grand clip. To celebrate: tea!

This is delicious! Warm and spicy, with just the right amount of ginger and cinnamon with a fruity base. Everything’s well-balanced and yummy. So, so very good. Now I’m gonna stare out the window at the snow. It’s like I’m in a snowglobe with glitter snow!

Boiling 8 min or more
Meghann M

Yay for snow days! We have one here too, well, windchill day, but same funness!


Windchill day? How cold does it have to be to have a windchill day?

Meghann M

Windchill is as low as -15 degrees. But it is the schools that closed. Not a bunch of businesses. They don’t want the kids out in that waiting for the bus.


Makes sense. I think that’s about what our “cold weather” school closings would be. We’ve not had those in a few years, though. This is the first year in a long time it’s been this cold for this long.

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Must convince myself to go out and get groceries in case the weather predicted for the weekend actually happens. But first: chai.

Smooth chai spices, not too hot, blended very well. This smells extremely chocolatey in the pouch and while brewing, but it’s not as strong in the taste. Seems to be a vanilla-ish note in there as well.

I’m wondering how this would be with some chocolate milk added to it…hmm…adding it to the store list.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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Well, I didn’t quite add the picture right…and I don’t know how to make it not blurry! Please, someone, feel free to fix it!

This is from my latest Praise Tea order. Have I mentioned how awesome this company is? During their Black Friday sale, they ended up selling out of some teas that I had ordered. Most of my order had already shipped, and then I got a call from the company. A real phone call!! Letting me know what had happened, and what options we could do. Amazing!! So, my second box arrived (with my replacement teas), and there were extra pouches of tea in there, too. Seriously, above and beyond customer service.

So, as some of you may know, I’m constantly on the hunt for the perfect chamomile blend. I suffer fits of insomnia, and a pot of chamomile at night really helps me to stay asleep the whole night (few things help me to fall asleep fast). But I don’t like chamomile too flowery, nor do I like not tasting it.

This is really, really close to The One.

It’s definitely a chamomile blend, no doubt, but it doesn’t taste floral at all. I can taste fresh, juicy mango, as well as a subtle, crisp, tart apple. I’d almost be that there’s a touch of hibiscus here, too, just from the hint of tart that I’m getting. It’s just the faintest hint, and makes the whole thing a delight. I only got a sample of this…definitely will need more!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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So I didn’t get a snow day today. I have mixed feelings about this…happy I won’t have to make up the day, sad because I have to leave the warmth of my house, and dreading the drive in. This tea is helping to make things better, though.

This is perhaps the most chocolatey tea I’ve had. It’s got a very rich, milk chocolate flavor that very nearly drowns out the black tea base it’s so rich. Mouthfeel is almost like hot chocolate rather than tea. I can definitely see why this is the PMS blend! If you need a chocolate fix, this tea certainly fits the bill. I’ll have to try this as a latte…maybe with chocolate milk!

It’s not really motivating me to get ready for work, though. But since it’s 17 degrees F with a windchill of 6 (-8 and -14 for those who think in celsius), there’s not much that will motivate and make me want to leave my house.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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Having one more cup of this tea before I send it off to TeaEqualsBliss.

This is one of the best teas that I’ve tried with Goji Berry. I am generally hesistant with Goji Berry because I’m afraid it’s going to be too tart, but, this isn’t. It’s delicious, sweet with just a hint of agreeable tartness.

The green tea base is smooth and refreshing. There is a light buttery taste to it that does not go overboard and impart that buttery feel on the tongue. The berry flavor is delicious and in nice balance with the green tea.

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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This is very nice! I had my doubts (the fear of the Goji Berry strikes again!) but it is really pleasant tasting.

The berry flavor is sweet with a little bit of tart… and with this particular blend, I do get more of the goji berry tartness in the finish – and that tartness is what I typically shy away from when it comes to the goji berry, but in this blend it is done so well that I don’t find it off-putting. I love the little touch of pomegranate in this, as well as the lemongrass notes.

Another hit from Praise Tea!

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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