
Recent Tasting Notes


This was a little bitter today, or at least had a bit of bitterness behind the tasty caramelness of the tea. I may have steeped this a bit long though since it was at work and I was distracted. Still a decent blend and something that i’m going to enjoy figuring out how to best brew.

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No real tasting notes today since i’m still not sure my tastebuds are back to normal. I tried this one today since i figured maybe a hearty bold tea would cut through things. That seems to have worked as this seems like a really nice tea. soooo yay for getting to drink a few things today!

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1 tablespoon for 375 ml of water

The brewed tea has a primary authentic strawberry aroma with tartness. The black tea aroma is in the background. There is a hint of a smooth creaminess.

On the sip, the black tea taste is very apparent at the beginning. There is a hit of astringency that is slightly unpleasantly bitter. The bitterness blooms into the middle of the sip and follows through to the end where the strawberry flavour takes over. The strawberry flavour has a very authentic feel to it without a very pronounced tartness. Mild creaminess follows through from the end of the sip into the aftertaste.

Thanks to Sil for sharing this with me!

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec
Kittenna 12 years ago

Haha, I feel like you’re going to beat me to trying all the teas from Sil… :P

Sil 12 years ago

She doesn’t have 5000000000 teas :p

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Thank you Sil for offering this as your interpretation of 11 pipers piping!

This smells VERY smoky … but it tastes less smoky than it smells. It still has a distinct smoky presence in the flavor, it just doesn’t taste as smoky as the aroma might lead one to believe. The aroma made me think that this HAS to be at least part Lapsang Souchong but the flavor changes that thinking because it does not taste like Lapsang Souchong. It tastes smoky, but, not in the thick, pine smoke kind of taste for which Lapsang is known.

I get the peaty earthiness too… the sip consists primarily of a rich earthiness and the smoky notes, and then the citrus tones come through toward the aftertaste. Someone else mentioned an Earl Grey/Bergamot note, I don’t know that I taste bergamot especially, I definitely do taste citrus though. It is bright, sweet, and tangy. The citrus notes become very clear in the aftertaste.

A very pleasant and unusual blend … very glad I got to try it.

On another note, I was dismayed when I attempted to visit the Majesteas site and could not. (My virus protection says no, and I’m in no mood to try to remove malicious stuff off my computer) I would be very interested in seeing what other teas this company might have to offer.

Sil 12 years ago

They have a few that I really enjoy….still working my way through more of them. If you like strawberry teas, I have one I can always send your way to try :)

LiberTEAS 12 years ago

Sure, that would be lovely … let me know via PM if there are any teas from my cabinet that I can share with you in return!

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12 Days of Christmas Tea – Day 11

I am VERY behind on my tealogging (and slightly behind on my tea drinking). This came from Sil and it has a very strong scent – so strong I could smell it through the envelope. I originally thought it was a Lapsang base because of the smokiness, but apparently it’s something different (err.. I’m not sure what exactly).

It’s not bad. I’m not a big Lapsang fan, so I’ve got that working against me. I also think I taste some bergamot, so it tastes more like an “Earl Grey Lapsang” (which I’ll have to check after this note if such a blend exists).

I gave the tea to my boyfriend to try without any prior context (a popular pastime of mine) and he said it tasted like barley. I thought that was an odd comment, but when I did some homework, apparently this tea is like a single-malt whiskey (which is made with barley). I also learned what a single-malt whiskey is, since I know so little about alcohol.

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Sil 12 years ago

Interesting that you taste bergamot :)

LiberTEAS 12 years ago

Actually… Such a thing does exist… I’ve a smoky earl Greg waiting for me in my stash from new mexico tea co. I’m sure others are out there too.

LiberTEAS 12 years ago

Greg = gray. Still learning how to work with this Nexus7

Kittenna 12 years ago

Hahahaha, Earl Greg, eh? That could be some interesting new thing!

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on the 11th day of christmas, I gave to my fellow tea friends a tea that i’d never tried before! At the time that i purchased this tea I’d never had ANY sort of smokey tea but I figured that the 12 days of christmas tea swap was a good time for sharing favourites AND trying new things. So i picked this one up. It was an unplanned purchase as I’d originally been thinking of getting a blend with the name of a mountain range in them..david’s tea was my first thought because so many people in the US seem to enjoy/want their teas.
However, after running through a bunch of david’s tea’s unflavoured black teas, i was not impressed. Especially when comparing them to teas like Butiki’s zhen Qu (i hadn’t tried her assam at that point) or even golden fleece/laoshan black from verdant.

I’d also decided i wanted to get tea from a local place, or at least a place that was mainly in canada – to try and give my US (or non toronto) friends a chance to try a different tea place.

While stopping for tea at Majesteas, the name of this blend caught my eye. The gentleman who was assisting me (and hearing all about the swap) was like “are you sure you want to expose everyone to that…people pretty much love it or hate it” What caught my eye was the comparision to a single malt scotch…which i have been known to drink on occasion :) So i bit the bullet and said to hell with this! let’s try it! Of course that’s also meant agonaizing over the choice for the past month or so now especially since the smell has managed to permeate through everyone’s packages lol

So on with the tea? Let me preface by now saying, i’ve tried a lapsang before…even cooked with it to make a really neat soup. This tea? It’s both smokey and not. The aroma reminds me of the way your clothes smell when you get home from a day of camping…

The initial sip, really does have a subtle citrus note to it and i can barely taste the smokiness..and then it climbs all over your tongue and the smokiness comes out. But it’s a milder smokey that is actually pretty yummy.

Hmmm.. i actually think i really like this tea. It’s not for every day drinking but I could sit back and relax and enjoy this tea like a good cingle malt whiskey.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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IllBeMother221B 12 years ago

My thoughts exactly with the whisky…great tea minds think alike. Side note this is pretty good cold too…my cup cooled as I was busy in the kitchen and it was still yummy!

Sil 12 years ago

oooh… sets her cup aside to try it cold-er

IllBeMother221B 12 years ago

I apologize in advance if it isn’t to your liking…but I might be in love here. AND might just add a little whisky to it later tonight when the hubbins and I sit down for a holiday flick and gift exchanging. :) I think you hit this one out of the park!

Sil 12 years ago

haha ooh adding whiskey.. man now you’re all crazy talk. i should go try that.. it’s after “noon” so it’s ok right? lol Glad i put more than a cup try in the bag heh

IllBeMother221B 12 years ago

:) I do talk the crazy sometimes. But it sounds SO good!

Babble 12 years ago

I’m glad I’m not the only one that had the idea to get a tea from a local shop.

Sil 12 years ago

Rachel- that’s why your tea made me smile. :)

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On the 11th day of Christmas I give many thanks to Sil for sending us this particular tea. Well, here we are Christmas Eve and I’m still waiting on packages to arrive (before the hubbins gets home) to wrap. But Amazon assures me they will arrive today…fingers crossed! So I got up when I normally would for work knowing I had wrapping and cooking in my future.

We’re going to my hubbins “Aunt’s” house for dinner and she never has anything gluten free for me to eat. So I made up a cup of this tea (in a new hot pink mug from our friend’s daughter) and then I got down to making some gluten free turkey meatballs and sauce. (Which smell/taste awesome.) This tea had a nice smokey kick to it…this must have been the tea I was smelling when I thought it was Day 9! Oddly enough I also enjoy a good single malt whisky and this is just wow. I see where the comparison comes in!

Sorry this review is all over the map…I think I’ve had too much of this tea this morning! :)

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec
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Sil 12 years ago

Well at least two of us enjoy this so far…i consider that a rousing success even if no one else does. It’s smoother and more interesting than i thought it would be lol

IllBeMother221B 12 years ago

Yeah I would love to get my hands on more. But the shipping is a killer!

Sil 12 years ago

well worse case scenario we may be able to do a swap in the new year and i can just go buy some for you.

IllBeMother221B 12 years ago

Oooh! I’m game for that! Or you know I could just drive to Toronto. Whatever. :P

Sil 12 years ago

ooh.. yea! drive to toronto! we can meet up… there’s a february tea convention thingy lol

ooh.. yea! drive to toronto! we can meet up… there’s a february tea convention thingy lol(also…now you feel the shipping pain of canadians everywhere ordering from most US places lol)

IllBeMother221B 12 years ago

I DO!! Message me more about this tea convention. I’d love to take a trip to Toronto!

Indigobloom 12 years ago

YAY! that’d be so much fun, if you made it up here :D
Btw, what does magot mean? I’m curious, sounds like a fun word!

IllBeMother221B 12 years ago

That was totally a typo on my part! Thanks for catching it!! Should have read (and now does)“then I got to making” ooopsie!

Babble 12 years ago

I want to go to toronto for the tea convention too. I just worry it will be so cold.

Sil 12 years ago

Rachel, worse case scenario you can borrow some of my multiple jackets for teh duration. Lol

Babble 12 years ago

Have you ever been before? Do you know how big it is?

Indigobloom 12 years ago

This is the first year. We aren’t sure how big it will be just yet but there are tons of tea companies in the city.
The guy who heads the Tea Guild also teaches the sommelier program at George Brown so he knows alot of people.

Indigobloom 12 years ago

aha makes sense! I make typos all the time lol

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drank Marrakesh Orange Spice by Majesteas
15618 tasting notes

Backlogging from yesterday.

While I was browsing Majesteas for some ideas, I tried a cup of this tea. THIS is what I want Della Terras orange spice teas to taste like. There is a great blend of orange and spices that mix together to let both roll over your tongue. mmmm tasty!

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Indigobloom 12 years ago

Oh man that sounds good!

Sil 12 years ago

It’s mighty tasty! I just hate the sizes there, so unless i can find it in their double sample packs, I’m not likely to pick it up unless we do a split lol

Indigobloom 12 years ago

Does he not do samples anymore? I remember getting samples of a bunch of his teas one time…

Sil 12 years ago

i asked, they said no. They have 50g? bags that are bundled together for 10$ but other than that no. oh and the guy? rob. lol

Indigobloom 12 years ago

I’ve met Rob, nice guy. But I think it was Ian, the other owner, who gave me the samples heh

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I tried this one as a cold brew and while it’s still delicious,especially with a splash of sweetner added to it, there are other strawberry teas that i have since had that do a better job of strawberry without the mild astringency that this tea has. I still like it, but i’ll stick to majesteas darker teas i think :)

Iced 8 min or more

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Tried to cold brew this the other night because a recent hot brew of this just wasn’t as tasty as i remember it being. I think that i’m over this tea haha. I do really like the strawberry taste but there’s something in the brew that i’m not a fan of anymore. Sweeetned it’s nice and i can see enjoying this in the summer so i may tuck this away until it’s hotter :)

Kittenna 12 years ago

There was something about the strawberry flavour of this one I really liked too, but I was annoyed at the astringency. I do have a cup’s worth left to experiment, though!

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I finally cracked open this pouch of tea last night, because I was looking for a fruit flavoured tea to be a bit of a refreshing cup. I’ve only ever had this at majesteas so I wasn’t sure how it would hold up to brewing at home. Turns out that it’s just fine. :) I’m picking up a wee bit of artificial taste this time around but maybe my taste buds are a bit wonky. Either way, it was still an enjoyable strawberry cup of tea.

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I was overwhelmed today during my “break” at Majesteas. Too many things i really wanted to try but sadly they pretty much only sell their teas in 100g sizes. While that’s fine if you know you LOVE a tea, it’s a bit much if you don’t know if you like it. So I opted to have another cup while I was htere and give this one a try.

It was great! I really love how fresh the tea is, and love the streawberry flavouring. I didn’t find it astringent at all. Though I didn’t end up leaving with this particular tea, it’s now on my list to go back and pick up sometime when I manage to sip down more of my stash.

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Nik 12 years ago

Got any Steepster friends in Toronto? Maybe you can do a group purchase and divide the 100g to make it worthwhile for everyone. =)

Indigobloom 12 years ago

they will make up a sample for you if you ask nicely :)
maybe 15g

Sil 12 years ago

Indigo…yeah but the offer was then proceeded by “but it can be more expensive that way” which to me means….“we don’t really want to be doing that”

Indigobloom 12 years ago

true, it doesn’t leave them with much profit. Not so bad if you pair it with another purchase. Say a to go cup or another full 50g of something else etc

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drank Autumn Pumpkin Spice by Majesteas
15618 tasting notes

Stopped in to Majesteas today after hanging out with the Zombies. It was a bit of a rainy day so I just wanted to sit somewhere nice and have a cup of. This is their fall blend that comes and goes every year. I enjoyed this tea, though I would favour others for the pumpkin spice flavouring. It was a bit on the lighter side, for those that don’t like heavily spiced “pumpkin spice” tea. I’d for sure drink this again though!

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Thanks to Majesteas for this sample!! It’s quite lovely!
Naked, and piping hot… this tastes just like any other orange rooibos tea I’ve tried. (ex Kalahari from Teaopia)
With sugar and milk though, it’s obviously a bit cooler so I don’t know if that contributed to the flavour change. All I know is that the cocoa did come out a bit and complemented the orange nicely.
Like a milder version of Terry’s Chocolate Orange. Mmmmm.

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Bonnie 13 years ago

Which/what is naked? I know you’ve had a rough day! Hope you get some rest! ;)

Kittenna 13 years ago

Hahahah :P

Indigobloom 13 years ago

Bonnie: it means without any additions like milk/sugar etc
Kristaleyn: Agreed! :P

Bonnie 13 years ago

I knew that …was trying to liven things up!

Indigobloom 13 years ago

oh! lol well I was pretty zonked when I wrote that comment… oi me!

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drank Osmanthus Oolong by Majesteas
1764 tasting notes

I made this for my coworker today. She likes it! a lot, I think?
She said it tasted like moss. and green tea. When I said it was supposed to be floral and peachy, she said she could see where they get that note, though it took some concentration.
When I left the office, she was on steep number two. Not sure if there were more after that, but I hope there were a few

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drank Osmanthus Oolong by Majesteas
1764 tasting notes

Barely a hint of osmanthus this time, and mostly in the first of three infusions.
The others were still sweet like an oolong, but barely floral, if at all. Also detected were faint menthol and clay notes. Hmmmm.

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drank Osmanthus Oolong by Majesteas
1764 tasting notes

I got this as a to go cuppa.
No time for adding sugar, so at first, it was really bland. Fruity with a floral hint.
I liked it, but it wasn’t love. But then I got preoccupied and it cooled down. All of a sudden, the Osmanthus came out to play. Oh yum!!
I’ve been looking for a quality, affordable Osmanthus oolong. and here it is!!
I’m not much of an iced tea girl, unless it’s bubble tea (hot tapioca is gross) but for this… I would make an exception.
When I go back, you can bet I’ll be picking some of this up! I’ve had a gap in my tea supply for awhile, with a spot just waiting for this one. too bad I rarely if ever make it out there… :(

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drank Duchess Darjeeling by Majesteas
1764 tasting notes

Lemon goes BOOM!!!!
Holy citrus baby, this tea got zing!!
I don’t get it… the last time I tried this it was a relatively calm tea, and now? it’s all about the lemon! I mean, I’ve lost my appreciation for Ceylon and Assams somehow, but I naively assumed Darjeeling was exempt from the flavour rotation.
It wasn’t bad, at all… just very potent!
I emailed Ian, the guy who runs the shop and he suggested using less leaf to dial down the intensity but that it is supposed to be citrusy.
So I’ll try that before making any decisions.
I think I was more shocked than anything else… since I expected something more delicate and comforting than the bold confrontation I ended up facing!

gmathis 13 years ago

Lemon & darjeeling sound good together, but … maybe in different proportions.

Indigobloom 13 years ago

I sure hope so! Maybe I just had an off day. Today’s tea was ok so it’s possible!

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drank Duchess Darjeeling by Majesteas
1764 tasting notes

This is a surprisingly toasty darjeeling! more of an assam meets darjeeling, I would say- based on my darjeeling experiences that is.
Very mild on the astringency, backed by that darjeeling “freshness” that can make me cringe if there is too much- but here, this is just the right balance.
Now, I did have to add a quarter teaspoon of sugar to bring up the flavour quotient mind you, and it’s pretty bland without the milk… so points taken off for that!! otherwise, I’m pleased, and certainly more impressed than I expected to be!
I think this one has earned it’s Duchess name :)

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