Thanks to Majesteas for this sample!! It’s quite lovely!
Naked, and piping hot… this tastes just like any other orange rooibos tea I’ve tried. (ex Kalahari from Teaopia)
With sugar and milk though, it’s obviously a bit cooler so I don’t know if that contributed to the flavour change. All I know is that the cocoa did come out a bit and complemented the orange nicely.
Like a milder version of Terry’s Chocolate Orange. Mmmmm.
Which/what is naked? I know you’ve had a rough day! Hope you get some rest! ;)
Hahahah :P
Bonnie: it means without any additions like milk/sugar etc
Kristaleyn: Agreed! :P
I knew that …was trying to liven things up!
oh! lol well I was pretty zonked when I wrote that comment… oi me!