Edinburgh Breakfast

Tea type
Black Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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5 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I received a sample of this from the wonderful miss scribbles – thank you so much. On the package is quotes she wrote “For those who enjoy dark, astringent black tea” and then added “I guess I like...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was a pleasant sample to try from Indigobloom. It was a balanced cup for a start to the day. Not too harsh, not really astringent or bitter. Although nothing really jumped out at me, it was...” Read full tasting note
  • “Based on the website description, I expected this to be a hair smoky. Certainly not something I’d prefer sans leche! I found it rather delicate and very balanced. Satisfying in a way I haven’t yet...” Read full tasting note
  • “My husband is Irish and I’ve been to the UK six times, sometimes for a few months together. Eventually you get to a point where on a rainy day you could use a cuppa. This nails the concept of a...” Read full tasting note

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5 Tasting Notes

1040 tasting notes

I received a sample of this from the wonderful miss scribbles – thank you so much.

On the package is quotes she wrote “For those who enjoy dark, astringent black tea” and then added “I guess I like astringent teas……..”
Hmmm I would have to say that I don’t like astringent teas, but as always if someone is generous enough to send me some, I’m willing to try it.
I drank this for the better part of the day at work. I’m beginning to rethink “astringent” – either A> this isn’t astringent or B> I don’t fully understand what astringent is.
I didn’t find this astringent at all (but then I also didn’t find the Ceylon I was drinking yesterday astringent?). So, are my tastes off, or do not understand. At this point anything is possible.
All in all I really liked this – was a really nice tea to have a work today.

scribbles 11 years ago

I didn’t find it astringent either…that’s what the package it came in said.

Dexter 11 years ago

LOL Yay I got one right!!!! I liked this. Water is cooler at work than I would normally use at home. Wonder if these teas are less astringent if you use cooler water? Dunno, but this was good.

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790 tasting notes

This was a pleasant sample to try from Indigobloom. It was a balanced cup for a start to the day. Not too harsh, not really astringent or bitter. Although nothing really jumped out at me, it was just a nice cup of tea.

Indigobloom 8 years ago

this one seriously grew on me. I was surprised!

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1764 tasting notes

Based on the website description, I expected this to be a hair smoky. Certainly not something I’d prefer sans leche! I found it rather delicate and very balanced. Satisfying in a way I haven’t yet put my finger on.
Of coursea all I have in the house is almond milk and I was realllllly craving milk tea so I tried that today. It worked well enough, despite a few almond clumps(organic for ya), though I feel the need to wait before rating as it definitely is not what I expected. Still quite tasty overall.

Also… I tried duck egg this morning. Ahhhhmazing. I have a new addiction.

P.S. Farewell Majesteas, Ian and Robert will be greatly missed xo
I have a bunch if anyone would like to try, as I’m holding the last of it!

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35 tasting notes

My husband is Irish and I’ve been to the UK six times, sometimes for a few months together. Eventually you get to a point where on a rainy day you could use a cuppa. This nails the concept of a cuppa. It’s not fancy. It’s not frilly. But its smooth and well-balanced. My husband just made a cup and yelled “Good normal cup of English tea” to me from his office.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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