My husband is Irish and I’ve been to the UK six times, sometimes for a few months together. Eventually you get to a point where on a rainy day you could use a cuppa. This nails the concept of a cuppa. It’s not fancy. It’s not frilly. But its smooth and well-balanced. My husband just made a cup and yelled “Good normal cup of English tea” to me from his office.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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I live in NC with my Irish husband and our two furbabies, Olaf the Hedgehog and his little brother Hugo the Peekapoo. I’m a microbiologist but mostly I love to travel.

My mom is the tea guru ashmanra. I have an uneducated interest in tea. I began drinking green tea a few years ago to be healthy and have developed a taste for matcha, white, puerh, and some black. My go-to is Stash White Christmas which I drink in amounts that should probably be studied long-term. Stash should probably be sponsoring me. (except they just discontinued White Christmas and were rude when I contacted them about it…. Never mind about Stash, they are canceled)



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