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drank Dragonwell by Leland Tea Co
2816 tasting notes

I’m drinking this again this morning. It is pleasant enough but I don’t know if I really get the appeal of dragonwell – am I missing something or is this just not a very good example?


I don’t know if it’s a good example or not, but just looking at the picture I couldn’t believe it was dragon well. It’s not even uhh very green. Compare it with the Teavivire pictures: http://www.teavivre.com/premium-dragon-well-green-tea/
It looks totally different!


Hmmm. you may have a good point there. Perhaps more experiments are required.


So far, of the Dragonwell teas I’ve tried (only a few), I’m not a big fan. Maybe I’m just not brewing it properly?


I’ve read that West Lake Long Jing is an area of premium teas. Looks like I’ll have to order another tea from Teavivre!

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drank Dragonwell by Leland Tea Co
2816 tasting notes

I increased the rating a little bit this morning. It is very pleasant.

165 °F / 73 °C 2 min, 0 sec
Charles Thomas Draper

I love Lung Ching….


I wish this had a bit more flavor… can you recommend a really good one?

Charles Thomas Draper

well, I had a kilo from China that my gfs family sent over. Sadly it gone. It was written in Chinese. It was poetry in a cup. I have been drinking uptons superfine but it does’nt compare. I have noticed that this tea and most other greens are better when brewed in a glass with water that is way less than boiling. I don’t measure anything. Time or temperature or amounts. My next shipment to you will contain greens….


That’s a problem for me-flavor. Maybe b/c I’ve only had a couple standard grades. I like Lung Chings, just haven’t tasted one I’m Crazy about.


It is not my favorite in terms of flavor but it’s easier on my stomach than some other green teas.

Charles Thomas Draper

There is a reason it’s one of the Top 10 Teas in China….

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drank Dragonwell by Leland Tea Co
2816 tasting notes

This is a very nice dragonwell tea which I picked up at Leland Tea Company a few months ago. The leaves smell of spinach and it brews up to be a slightly nutty green tea. I much prefer the mellow taste of this dragonwell over something like Sencha (personal preference). Nothing spectacular but certainly great for every day/anytime drinking. Organic is definitely a bonus. If you’re ever in San Francisco you must stop by the Leland Tea Company which has an unpretentious atmosphere and a very friendly staff.

2 min, 0 sec

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drank A Touch of Evil by Leland Tea Co
259 tasting notes

A “Touch of Evil?” I think not. It’s a touch of cantaloupe. I like it well enough for a melon flavored tea, but what a misnomer.

I see that Leland is not longer selling this. I wish they would repackage it and rename it as “Mild Melon Morality”.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

XD Understandable. Cantaloupe’s quite mild to begin with. Should’ve been crafty like 52teas and put it with a white base.


Aha! Cantaloupe! The moment that you wrote that I had a flashback to when I tried this from your Shakespeare box. I need to go read my note on this one…be right back!


Yes! Cantaloupe was what I was trying to get my tastebuds to recognize. Thank you for solving that mystery :)

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drank Tiffany's by Leland Tea Co
314 tasting notes

Spent the rainy afternoon, warm and relaxed, indoors at Leland Tea Co. today. Had this tea with their “Tea Lunch”.

Tiffany’s is hearty, full-bodied and brisk. Very slightly smoky—reminded me of a lighter Irish Breakfast-type tea. I did not detect any floral notes. It seemed like a pretty straightforward black tea. It was dark as coffee and tasted delicious with milk. Very warming.

A perfect cup for a cold day!

Sarah Ruthven

I am always curious about this, how much milk? I never seem to get it right. Also I love, love, love your profile picture!


Thanks Sarah! My picture is from “The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy” by Tim Burton (love him!). As for the milk, I just added a dollop to the cup first (about a tablespoon I think) then poured the tea. Turned out perfect!

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drank Bogart by Leland Tea Co
17 tasting notes

Very original and it smells really good. I like the creaminess. I’d like to try this tea with everything minus the Lapsang. I like that they tried adding it in here, but to me it doesn’t work.

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drank Body & Soul by Leland Tea Co
3011 tasting notes

My first experience with this was kind of meh-ish, but I got a newer, fresher sharing sample and like it much, much better. The fruit is a nice addition to the traditional chamomile-lemongrass mix; it gives this nice light herbal a little texture and heft that sticks to your tongue.

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drank Body & Soul by Leland Tea Co
3011 tasting notes

Did a cup double-strength, twice the leaves, and iced it down. Now I’m getting the orange peel I missed the first time around. Still not a hunt-it-down-and-club-it-on-the-head-and-bring-it-home tea, but a nice-to-have-tasted-on-a-hot-afternoon one.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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drank Body & Soul by Leland Tea Co
3011 tasting notes

Dry, this looks like very pretty potpourri. Nothing that sets it off distinctly from most calm-ya-down herbals, but nice and light on a rainy afternoon after a tense week. And lemongrass. Lots of lemongrass, which I like.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Kookiedoodle by Leland Tea Co
3011 tasting notes

Another apology to donors because of my disorganization…swaps and samples have gotten a little jumbled in my messy kitchen, but I think this was a treat from Lori.

At any rate, this is the closest approximation to homemade baked goods I’ve ever tasted in a tea. Makes me think of sugar cookies more than snickerdoodles, but now I have a severe craving for both. Splashed in just a little skim milk and yummy-doodle!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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drank A Touch of Evil by Leland Tea Co
371 tasting notes

Doulton’s Shakespeare: A Tasting Note in 5 Acts
Act IV scene 2

“I have no other but a woman’s reason:
I think him so, because I think him so.”
The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Act I scene 2

I had forgotten about this tea, and yet it was one I had been very excited to try. With that name — how could I resist? Unfortunately it got lost amongst my books and when I went to grab the Rose Keemun I ended up with this in my hand instead. Woohoo! Surprise tea!

I expected this tea to be dark and brooding, and as it steeped I started brainstorming evil Shakespeare characters. I wasn’t sure what this tea was, so I tried looking it up on the Leland website: no dice. The leaves are such a mixture of browns, greens, and some yellow (sorry my picture washed out the subtle shadings). The dry leaves hadn’t really smelled like much, and when I poured the tea I kept thinking that one of the smells reminded me of something. This tea drove me crazy!

I really enjoyed the first half of this cup, the second half was fine but at that point I was really sitting there and loudly slurping and smacking this tea around in my mouth. My poor cat ran for cover not knowing what on earth I was doing. Is this sweetness an oolong thrown in with an Assam? Is there a bit of lychee? What is that sweetness? As the cup cooled it got more “yeasty.” This tea really starts to remind me of Golden Moon’s Persian Melon (for me, not a good thing). The second steep was “eh” and very much like the Persian Melon with a musky melon sort of yeasty taste but pretty light.

Surprisingly I consider this tea a comedy (regardless of its forboding name): The Two Gentlemen of Verona. A fun play, with some very funny moments, but overall one of Shakespeare’s less remarkable plays (if there is such a thing). NE

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Yay for surprise tea!


Ewww not the dreaded Persian Melon!!! Eek!


LOL! I know — I had the dreaded Persian Melon on my mind while drinking this one. ;)

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drank Bogart by Leland Tea Co
58 tasting notes

Part of Doulton’s Nabokov Prize!

I see Doulton’s on a mission, here. Clearly. ;) And it looks like she’s winning more converts with every steep!

The first thing I got was smoke, but warm, comforting smoke. And dulce de leche. Smoky dulce de leche, then. Like smoky, comforting, familiar trenchcoat. Which is appropriate! The smell and taste are both classic. The colour is a rich, warm amber that suggests maple syrup.

The most this needs is an eensy bit of raw sugar. I’m talking tiny. The thing about sugar is, like salt, it’s a flavour enhancer more than anything else. It shouldn’t dominate (well, OK, except in sugar cookies and rock candy); it should only compliment. Don’t add cream, whatever you do. I did, thinking a tiny drop would enhance the creaminess, but it was too much. It overwhelmed the lovely delicacy of this tea.

Before the cream, it was a lovely, sinuous, wafting thing. Like a smoking jacket belonging to someone who only smoked really nice tobacco in a pipe for years, perhaps taking it in the library after dinner with a snifter of single-malt.

Trenchcoat, smoking jacket. I’m sensing a theme. No fedora, though. Definitely no fedora. ;)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I love “like smoky, comforting, familiar trenchcoat.” What a great note!

I have enough of my sample from Doulton to make one more pot. I’m saving it for when I can sit down and thoroughly enjoy. I’m thinking it’ll have to be tonight or tomorrow :)


Ha, thanks. XD Yeah, I have enough for probably two pots left. I’ve got a single-serving pot though. Well…no, I guess technically it’s a two-cup pot, but I use a gigantic mug for it most of the time, so it’s more like single-serve for me. ;)

Steep it again, Rabs! :D


LOL! You know how to make a tea kettle whistle, don’t you? ;)


Shuah, sweets. All yous gotta do, see, is put some water in and wait for it to blow! ;)

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drank Bogart by Leland Tea Co
371 tasting notes

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drank Bogart by Leland Tea Co
371 tasting notes

Doulton’s Shakespeare: A Tasting Note in 5 Acts
Act II scene 3

Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits, and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp’d tow’rs, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.
The Tempest, Act IV scene 1

Oh, how this tea has been calling to me ever since Doulton’s box arrived. This was the main smell that I experienced when I opened the box. This is what’s been fragrancing my room. It’s sort of an intense vanilla/hazelnut tea smell. It sorta intimidated me.

Oh, this is good. I’ve only ever had hazelnut as a syrup in a latte (not my favorite) so I think that my mind picked up on the vanilla more. But wow. I think “hug in a cup” isn’t just something that Leland flippantly put in its description in order to sell more tea. It does seem like a holiday tea, but I’d take it a step further: this is more like the warm loving heart of most holidays. And Stephanie nailed the description of the second infusion: a cinnamony snickerdoodle!

This was the highlight of my day by far. I even kept the leaves for a final steep after I got home from work. Yes, three is definitely this tea’s limit. And usually I love contemplating where one of these teas fits in Shakespeare’s cannon, but this one was on the verge of infuriating. It’s not a tragedy and it should be one of his better plays. Could I call a tea “Shakespeare” the man? That didn’t sit well with me. Then I looked up a play that I’m not too familiar with: The Tempest. Aha! It’s got the family drama of many holidays but ends well. Many critics have even speculated that the character of Prospero was the embodiment of Shakespeare himself.

And then it happened. I was looking at this quote on one of the websites that I’ve relied heavily upon for these notes (enotes.com) and I read the commentary and almost fell out of my chair. They refer to Bogart’s famous last line in The Maltese Falcon: “The stuff that dreams are made of” and how Bogey had suggested this line himself (as far as anyone knows the misquote was unintentional). Well, I shall misquote intentionally: “This tea is such stuff as dreams are made on.” TG

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Has anyone tried Leland’s Kookiedoodle? That one has started to haunt my dreams ;)

I also want to mention the other resource that I’ve been using for these notes: Reduced Shakespeare: The Complete Guide for the Attention-Impaired [abridged] by Martin & Tichenor. I enjoyed their Reduced Shakespeare play and when this book came out years ago I snatched it up immediately. I highly recommend it — it’s very funny. :)


No, but I have some in my cupboard along with the other teas I haven’t tried yet. Lol.


Lol! I shall be anticipating your review even if it takes months! ;) I might just have to place an order with Leland. They truly have some great names for their teas. :)


I want to stop by that tea shop to refill my canister,but I don’t want to get tempted by more tea! Right now I’m practically swimming in tea! I’m happy though that everyone thinks Bogart is delicious too!

Rabs, I asked about Kookiedoodle when I was first there, and the guy said that he uses the same base as Bogart. So instead of hazelnuts, it’s more cinnamon-y?


Morgana: I’ll be looking forward to your note when you finally get to it :)

Stephanie: Thank you for the info. I read the description and thought that it sounded a great deal like Bogart, but maybe it’d be more like the 2nd steep and be Snickerdoodley! :D

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drank Bogart by Leland Tea Co
1353 tasting notes

I’m letting myself be inspired by the Steepsterites and trying this one tonight, also a Doulton tea

this smells absolutely lovely. It reminds me of these biscuits that my mother bakes for chirstmas, but it doesjn’t actually smell jparticularly christmassy, which is kind of weird when you think about it considering the biscuit-y smell. Supposedly if you blend it with laspang souchong the description says that it will supposedly become ‘a coffee lovers dream of tea’.

Errrr….. Right. Except coffee isn’t smoky and lapsang souchong flavour =/= coffee flavour. STOP MIXING UP COFFEE AND TEA, THEY ARE TWO VERY SEPARATE THINGS, ARGH! I’m getting a bit weary of many tea-drinkers’ snobbery that coffee-drinkers are somehow inferior because they “only” drink coffee. ‘Drink what you like and like what you drink’ they say and then they do their utmost to make the coffee-drinker see the light. Attend a coffee tasting. Coffee is just as diverse and interesting and with just as many details for the nerd as tea.

But that was a bit of a tangent. Where was I? Oh yes, aroma. After steeping it’s even more cake-y and a bit chocolate-y. Or maybe more Nutella-y than chocolate-y. Or, no, not Nutella. LU Bastogne. That’s it. Do you get those out there in the Big Abroad? A sort of syrup-y cinnamon biscuit.

What a surprise to taste! Again, Bastogne, definitely. Also reminds me of that chocolate pu-erh from Numi, it’s a very very similar flavour.

I like this one better though, and I’m in a funny sort of situation where having one tea is forcing me to go and dock points from another tea. It feekls strange.

Also in spite of the rant up there, I also want to try and mix it with some lapsang souchong.


Love LU; my favorites are the Petit Ecoliers.


I think Bogart is already blended with some lapsang souchong. The description is kind of confusing—it does sound like they want you to add lapsang to it—but they really mean that it’s already part of the blend.


Stephanie, I thought so at firsttoo, but then I decided that it was a suggestion on their part. It doesn’t smell or taste (to me) as if there is lapsang in it already. I can’t find any smoke at all.


Hmm..you may be right, Angrboda. But sometimes the flavor seems smoky to me. When I get a chance to stop by that shop again, I’ll ask them. I need to replenish my supply anyway! :)


That would be cool Stephanie. Let me know what they say because I’m totally in doubt about it now.


I was a fan of this one as well!

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drank Bogart by Leland Tea Co
6768 tasting notes

Totally tastes like Gingerbread and black tea with a little smoke today. Only have enough for one more cup so I thought I would pass it along to a friend…


Got a friend in mind? :)

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drank Bogart by Leland Tea Co
6768 tasting notes

This tastes very good to me today. Sort of like a sweeter gingerbread – but like I said…my taster is a bit wonky…lol…

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drank Bogart by Leland Tea Co
6768 tasting notes

Upping the rating on this one…it’s wonderful! See my previous review!

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drank Bogart by Leland Tea Co
6768 tasting notes

Oh…so you want to be center of attention!? Oh…you want to be the leading man? Well, let’s just see what you’ve got, sir!

This has a bit of nose trickery going on! At first sniff it reminds me of a chai. 2nd sniff it changes it’s mind and resembles a perfect wintery-type blend. Then…just when you think you’ve figured it out…the individual components smack you in the face! You are quite bold, mister! I can smell Cinnamon, Vanilla, and almost a buttery-creme in there with a bit of nuttiness.

The color is a rich brown.

My first sip was very slippery…yes, slippery! Smooth and buttery cream-like tones. The after taste is reminding me of Hazelnut. The 2nd taste…still slippery with the cinnamon popping out more. As I continue to sip I inhale at the same time to be presented with an ever-so-slight smokey scent that passes just like a breeze.

This is an interesting cup to say the very least.

Almost a competition for the leading role? Perhaps. I’m so happy Doulton let me “bogart” some of this from her stash! (har, har)

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec



Teahee! Fantastic note :) Doulton sent me some of this too and it’s one I’m dying to try. Okay, so almost everything she sent me I’m dying to try. ;) But between this one and the other smoky teas she sent – whoowee does my bedroom smell awesome!


i so wanna try that one…


Btw if you or your followers that are reading this got a minute of free time, i’m ordering some tea from the states (aunt flying over fro the summer) that cant normally ship to my country or they do for huge fees (only Adagio teas i can get rather easily). Could you recommend me a couple of teas that are made by USA based tea companies? Some teas that are quite particular and cant be found everywhere…
Thanks in advance ;)


Malomorgren…Sure! I can…I’ll ponder that for a little bit. Have you tried posting in the discussion/forums??? I’m sure TONS of others will respond if you post a new topic in there, too!!!


oh ya that would prolly be a good place to ask lol


I second TeaEqualsBliss: I’ll ponder as well, but I also highly encourage you to post your inquiry to the Discussions. I was scared the first time posting a topic there, but the help from the entire community has been invaluable! :)


Can we FEEL the Steepster LOVE!? :P




lol it’s on the discussions now. i’m still both tea and Steepster newbie ;) figured it’s smart to ask the one that drinks teas all day long every day hehe


:) Thanks!!!! Sure…I will PM you and see what kind of things you are thinking and see what I might be able to suggest or help out with.


thanks whole bunches :) you can see what i got lately in my cupboard. it’s been very diverse and exploring path. from quite yummy to some that were barely drinkable. but i like to try anything. for example still didnt find a pu ehr that i actually like but i dont give up that easy. i’m not very much into very fruity teas but some are good. i love black teas, like to drink plain green and oolong, adore some whites too (adagio’s silver needle my fav) – those i kinda almost prefer without blending – just trying out different kinds of them.
but then again, anything goes at this point really ;)
pure jasmine tea is the only one i couldnt drink. idk why. hate that smell brrr. but when jasmin is a minor part of the blended tea then i dont mind it…


HEY!!! COOL! :P I have recently obtained a Vanilla Mint Pu-erh from Rishi that I hope to try for the first time later today…so be on the look out! I, too, have struggled with Pu-erh’s!!!! Haven’t really found any I LOVE yet…ya know!?


i do however like raw pu-ehr way better than ripe. i’m certain there is one for me out there. gl with your search. i’m keeping an eye on your logs as usual ;)

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drank Tiffany's by Leland Tea Co
6768 tasting notes

Tiffany’s – Leland Teas

Backlogging…finishing up the last little bit of this from my stash today! Infused dark brown and is a nice sturdy tea for the morning. A little smoky a little sweet, and ended slightly smooth.

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drank Tiffany's by Leland Tea Co
6768 tasting notes

This has an oh so slightly chewiness to it today and a little smokiness. Pretty good! Adding a few points to the rating…

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drank Tiffany's by Leland Tea Co
6768 tasting notes

BOY! Tiffany’s strong and ready to face the day today! WOW!!!! Bold and beautiful! A Tad Bitter…but it gives her attitude!

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drank Tiffany's by Leland Tea Co
6768 tasting notes

Sure, this is bold and it suggests milk/sugar but I am drinking plain (as I always do). It’s ok. Another good standby. Thanks Doulton! Can’t ever have enough strong black teas for standby!

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