Whoa. I don’t remember how I ferreted this out of YS’s dizzying collection; maybe it was the scotch whisky mention. This blew me away. Baked and smoky cocoa, herbal-medicinal… I can’t wait to come back to this. Tian Jian joins Liu Bao on my holy-heicha pedestal.

I’m in escrow on a home in the mountains — the one everyone kept saying would appear when it was supposed to, the one that’s flying through inspections, the one that was lived in and not flipped, the one that doesn’t feel like it is going to kill me via starvation because I can’t afford groceries.

I am cautiously optimistic. (False. She’s trembling with anticipation.) Shhhh. Thanks, universe.

Flavors: Cocoa, Herbaceous, Medicinal, Smoke


Oh, happy happy news!


Thank youuuuuuu <3

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Oh, happy happy news!


Thank youuuuuuu <3

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