drank Mercy by Global Tea Hut
392 tasting notes

I am feeling a bit underwhelmed by this possibly-30-to-40 year old tea. I got heavy, HEAVY brandy notes from the leaves and first steep, which really intrigued and excited me. Flavors on the first two steeps were stewed fruit, raisins, spices, and alcohol. It’s probably the most liquor-tasting tea I’ve ever had. That said, I felt it muddied and washed out to a meh-tieguanyin without stopping to say goodbye. I thought of Octavia Tea’s Brandy Oolong immediately, but this one doesn’t last quite as long or come across quite as distinctly.

That all said, I am a newb and still have trust issues with my palate — so I’ll revisit, focus more, and see what else I can find. It’s good, absolutely… but maaaaaybe not a reorder as of this session.

Flavors: Alcohol, Brandy, Plum, Raisins, Spices, Stewed Fruits

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