Not My Cup Of Tea TTB #7
I’m working through the box this morning, deciding what I still want to sample and packing up small amounts to try later this week and deciding what I want to add so I can get this monstrosity or monstros’o’tea back into circulation and I came across this delightful sounding tea…. Yellow cupcakes, vanilla icing , all in a tea with zero calories…. Yes please!
This is quite tasty! The cute little sugar snowflakes add a touch of sweetness and vanilla to the green tea base and I can taste a slight cake flavor with limited artificial aftertaste. Glad I tried this but since it’s in the 90s here already I think it’s time to lay off the winter teas and start planning for summer!
I love this one but I bought so much of it I thought I’d share. Its great iced too.
I hope there is still some of this in the box by the time I receive it! ;P
Send me a PM with your addy and I’ll send you some. :)