I think my neighbor across the street probably heard my gasp when I opened the mailbox today, for inside was a package from Martin, plump with tea! It is the Sonnentor Advent Tea Calendar! Martin was able to send the box it came in flat, and I reconstructed it back to its original condition and packed the teas in! Wow, thank you, Martin! It was a complete surprise!
Since today is December 2nd, I decided to play catch up and drink two of these today. Gute Laune means good mood in German, and this tea is easy going and easy to drink.
I can’t say any one thing stood about it, except the utter lack of hibiscus and licorice root, which seems to be everywhere when you buy herbals. I agree with Martin that the apple mint does not really add a minty flavor. This tea was overall mild, easy to drink, pleasant enough, but no single flavor stood out to me. Just herbaceous and pleasant.
I was checking all yesterday that it will be delivered, but nothing. Apparently it wasn’t scanned as delivered — I sent it registered.
But I am so happy it has arrived and moreover not so late! It was stuck in Prague export for a week, so I was afraid it has been torn (as it was truly packed up) and they will return it back to me. I hope you will enjoy the flavours and teas, however, most of them are herbals.
I was checking all yesterday that it will be delivered, but nothing. Apparently it wasn’t scanned as delivered — I sent it registered.
But I am so happy it has arrived and moreover not so late! It was stuck in Prague export for a week, so I was afraid it has been torn (as it was truly packed up) and they will return it back to me. I hope you will enjoy the flavours and teas, however, most of them are herbals.