drank Blackberry Lavender by Cuppa Geek
3500 tasting notes

Cuppageek Advent Day 14

Though a front blew through and took away our spring like weather, it finally stopped gusting this afternoon and the sky went from deep dark to just cloudy. My husband is home so I made three steeps of this combined and I put on a scarf and we sat in the rockers while he took a break from putting in more outside lights.

This is a base he really likes. I am guessing it is the same base as the vanilla black. There are a lot of black teas he only likes with milk and sugar and sometimes it will be a rather mild or smooth tea that he feels that way about it, and then something like this that is slightly brisk and malty, he will like plain. I haven’t figured him out yet.

Bottom line, we both liked it! The lavender is light which was good in his book as he says he doesn’t like things to be TOO floral, and the blackberry was nice and berry-tart. Another I would considering ordering so as to have more tea the two of us both enjoy.

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I am a music teacher, tutor, and former homeschool mom (25 years!) who started drinking loose leaf tea about fifteen years ago! My daughters and I have tea every day, and we are frequently joined by my students or friends for “tea time.” Now my hubby joins us, too. His tastes have evolved from Tetley with milk and sugar to mostly unadorned greens and oolongs.

We have learned so much history, geography, and culture in this journey.

My avatar is a mole in a teacup! Long story…


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