drank Huang Shan Yun Wu by Čajový Dom
1016 tasting notes

[Spring 2021 harvest]

Despite being 1 year old, this tea offers more or less everthing I want from a green tea! It tastes fresh, juicy, vegetal, has a nice bitter & sour bite and a sweet and spicy finish. Its aroma reminds me thistles, pine nuts and baklava before the session. On the other hand, during the session, the smell is full and vegetal with a hint of citrus fruits. Additionally, the tea induces a warmth felt from within.

Truly a spectacular tea given the price it usually sells for.

Flavors: Bitter, Citrus, Juicy, Nuts, Pastries, Pleasantly Sour, Spicy, Sweet, Thistle, Vegetal

180 °F / 82 °C 0 min, 30 sec 3 g 3 OZ / 80 ML

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Hi, I am a researcher in math, physics and computer science. Apart from teas and mathematics, I enjoy sports and traveling, as well as music of all kinds. Connect at https://rateyourmusic.com/~Togo

I had been drinking Japanese green tea for a while before discovering the world of tea in 2017. I rarely drink blends and generally avoid artificially scented teas. Other than that I try to keep it varied.

My rating description:
100 _ Unforgettable tea, an experience that changes your life.
90 – 100 _ Excellent tea.
80 – 90 _ Very enjoyable, I will buy again.
70 – 80 _ I enjoyed it, but I most likely won’t be buying it again.
60 – 70 _ Decent.
50 – 60 _ Average, forgettable.
40 – 50 _ I didn’t really like the tea, but it is drinkable.
0 – 40 _ I would prefer to avoid the tea.


Innsbruck, Austria

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