i wonder if this was “contaminated” by the lupicia melon teas in the package with it. this is another one from jump62359 and one i’ve wanted to try for a bit. while this has a dsitinctly vanilla flavour to it, there’s also the hint of melon in the back ground. Overall i’m quite enjoying this one, but i’ll let it sit for a little before i have the rest of it haha
Final Count: 161 End of the month and i’m 31 teas behind my goal for this month and 21 teas up from last month. On the plus side, i think i can get down 10 or so teas right off the bat on the weekend. So i’m going to aim for 130 (april’s goal) by May 10 and then go for 120 by the end of May….just because.
Ahh I’m so sorry that the melon kinda got to the other teas! Dang. I should’ve double packaged that one.
Haha I will try to match you, just for fun so I guess I better get sipping :P
Sounds like fun haha I have one order coming in so far for May too….
Ahh I’m so sorry that the melon kinda got to the other teas! Dang. I should’ve double packaged that one.
Oh don’t worry…..melon is delicious!
I just remembered that I have teas coming from Life in Teacup, so my numbers will go up before they go down, hahaha