Following 144 Tea Drinkers

boychik 442 followers

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Hi Everyone and Welcome! My name is Kimberly and I’m a long time tea drinker....

TeaExplorer 152 followers

Joined December 2013 Updated February 2016 Latest News: I brought my cupboard...



I started drinking more tea about 10 years ago when I found that even my half -caf coffee was making me jittery and then sleepy after the caffeine wore off. While I started out with mostly Teavana, but soon expanded my tea cupboard to include lapsang souchon, pu-erh, Assam, and other strong black teas. I do enjoy oolongs, green, and other teas, as well as a nice tisane for an evening cuppa.
I’m not fond of jasmine or bergamont teas, though I’ll try anything once.
I am an avid traveler, hiker, soccer player/watcher.
I love trying new tea in new places, if you see something in my cupboard you want to try, hit me up for a swap!


Powell, WY

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