A sipdown! (M: 6 Y: 22) — yet another puerh sipdown.
You know, I have lots of these last quantities left teas. So, I just picked any other randomly, and while I don’t think I need to slay any demons in me now ;knock knock on the wood, panic attacks are much less present.
I did super-fast rinse with toss, and let humudity absorb a bit into the leaf.
Steeps were various lenghts, starting with short ones and just did increments of 10-15 seconds each steep.
It is surprisingly very mild and sweet, while I have been expecting other side of the spectrum (bitter and astringent); hints of floral notes and hot hay,… argh! I burned my fingers!… later steeps have that vegetal/pepper qualites that were described when young. Aroma is mostly grassy, with hints of petrichor.
If anything, this tea, comparing my previous note (and notes of others), has mellowed by a lot! Liquor was in all steeps definitely very thick and somehow a bit oily and with long mouthfeels.
Based on today impressions I raise the rating from 78 to 85.