Advent Calendar from Nabo: Day 2

Well this sounds so interesting and using a white tea base is certainly something I won’t expect in rum-flavored tea. And it is quite ironic drinking it today — we’re celebrating my brother’s birthday. Everyone had a wine, but me. It has got very same hue as offered white wine, so it made a few people giggle that I drink wine from a glass mug and claiming it is a tea.
And moreover, it’s boozy-intended tea. I am always sceptical about those flavourings; and rum and cocoa together doesn’t sound well together for me.
I guess I have been wrong… again. It was slightly woody and definitely sligtly boozy in the flavour, cacao was adding the sweet element and overall it was mellow and warming tea, highly enjoyable in the day of 15 cm of new snowfall (it’s snowing now again, with total being around 25-30 cm (9-12 inch)) which is highly uncommon here for the beginning of December.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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I am drinking almost everything. Tea bag collector who moved to wonderful world of loose leaf.

Trying to rate differently tea bags and loose leaf as tea bags have usually worse quality.

Photographer now and then. Postcrossing and geocaching member. Very curious person. Logistics student (should finish in June 2021).

Buried in tea right now. Is in my cupboard (trying to be updated) which sparkled your interest? Write me, I would gladly share with you. But I don’t want anything in return now :)


Czech Republic

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