It’s going faster than I thought, but well… I just keep drinking last session teas recently. It’s important to get rid of all the pouches and bags and everything.
This tea I got from Izzy, thank you!
A white base of a chai sounds interesting and so does tastes! I let the last small amount I had (it could be hardly two teaspoons!) steep for 3 minutes as suggested.
Well, it’s very mellow. I noticed a coconut and little of pineapple (rather like a very watered down juice, or just its sweetness) with hints of tangy notes as ginger and peppercorns.
I guess it was way more tasty, maybe I really prepared it quite weak, but certainly it was a nice experience. I would gladly order more one day. It’s mellow, but something is lacking to call it chai.
Flavors: Coconut, Ginger, Peppercorn, Pineapple, Smooth