Prepared as family pot tea. A tea I have received from derk. Thank you for second chance to try Teavana tea.
It is in high volume pot and 5 teaspoons in my DIY tea bag.
It’s not bad tea per se, but something is lacking. Maybe I have expected more fruity notes. It’s generic, somehow tropical, lemony, but somehow weak.
I have quite a lot left. I will see how it changes, when prepared for myself. Maybe it needs longer or shorter steeping. I let it steep for about 10 minutes, but I needed to steep whole pot, don’t forget.
Overall, quite average.
Flavors: Lemon, Tropical
The last few tea pots I made were not as flavourful as my normal mug, but I do think I underleafed. It’s a shame this one didn’t work out all that well for you!