Rooibos Tropica

Tea type
Fruit Rooibos Blend
Not available
Lemon, Tropical, Mineral, Citrus, Passion Fruit, Pineapple, Fruity, Green, Jasmine, Sweet
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Edit tea info Last updated by Happy Toaster
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 30 sec 25 oz / 752 ml

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61 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Received this one as part of the blissful moments tea of the month club. This is a mix of dried/candied fruit pieces with red and green rooibos. The dry tea smells very much like sweet candy,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Oh! Oh! Oh! So I cold-steeped the last of this. Unholy artificial citrus horror would sum it up quite well. I’m dropping this from an indifferent 55 to a near-objectionable 30 for the sheer...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another Teavana tea of the month for March. (Hmm. Wonder when April’s teas will show up?) And another I would not have selected were it not a tea of the month club offering. Confession time: I...” Read full tasting note
  • “sample sipdown from fiddling! (285) this is a totally uninteresting boring rooibos to me. sure it’s got some fruity aspects going on but over all it’s like that friend you have where they tag...” Read full tasting note

From Teavana

A flavorful and amazingly fragrant blend of Green and Red Rooibos, strawberry, peach, sunflower and cornflower petals, and orange peel.
Rooibos Tropica also makes a delicious and healthy gourmet iced tea. Just double the amount of tea you use and pour over ice.

How to Prepare
Use 1.5 teaspoons of tea per 8oz of water. Heat water to 208 degrees and steep tea for 5-6 minutes. 2oz of tea equals 25-30 teaspoons.

Red and green Rooibos, strawberry and peach pieces, sunflower and blue cornflower petals, and lemon and orange peels.

This tea blends well with:
Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls Green Tea
Silver Needle White Tea
Mate Lemon Blast Herbal Tea

About Teavana View company

Company description not available.

61 Tasting Notes

871 tasting notes

Received this one as part of the blissful moments tea of the month club.

This is a mix of dried/candied fruit pieces with red and green rooibos. The dry tea smells very much like sweet candy, slightly lemony.

The brewed tea smells and tastes exactly like Teavana’s Strawberry Lemonade, which coincidentally is the other tea that came with this one. The brewed tea is a bit thicker and you can slightly taste the red rooibos underneath the candied strawberry lemonade taste. Very sweet on its own.

A bit disappointed that this one is so similar to the strawberry lemonade, and very disappointed that those two teas came together (considering they are meant to be blended together).

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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303 tasting notes

Oh! Oh! Oh! So I cold-steeped the last of this. Unholy artificial citrus horror would sum it up quite well.

I’m dropping this from an indifferent 55 to a near-objectionable 30 for the sheer offensiveness that is Rooibos Tropica iced. Why not lower? Because paired with these citrusy, almondy cantucci I’m having, it’s beautiful. My palate is very confused at the moment.

Now the only things in my tea cupboard bearing Teavana’s logo are my cherished travel thermoses and tins – just as it should be.

[Purchased at Teavana in Honolulu, January 2013.]
[Polished off in Rome, September 2013.]

Iced 8 min or more

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2037 tasting notes

Another Teavana tea of the month for March. (Hmm. Wonder when April’s teas will show up?)

And another I would not have selected were it not a tea of the month club offering. Confession time: I am no longer sure how I feel about rooibos (but don’t let rooibos know, k?).

When I first started trying to become a tea drinker, I liked it quite a bit. I think I liked it because it was (a) different from other drinks I’d had, and therefore novel, and (b) such a good flavor enabler. It may be particularly attractive to recent converts because it forms the backbone of so many interesting sounding drinks that, when you’re first getting your feet wet after less than stellar experiences, sound appealing because it’s almost like not drinking a tea-like beverage. Like Rootbeer Float and Tiramisu. The more excellent loose leaf Camellia Sinensis I drink, the less appeal these frou-frou approximations of existing beverages or foods have, though I remain a sucker for a good flavored black tea.

So say what you will about it, rooibos does have the very endearing quality of being an excellent backdrop. It’s the tofu of the tea world. It doesn’t have a strong flavor of its own, and the flavor that it has is mild and neutral. So it basically takes on the flavor of whatever is next to it. It loves the one it’s with.

Mostly, successful rooibos blends seem to be about the proportion of whatever the other flavor is to the rooibos. At least, I find the more successful ones to be those that sit the rooibos in the corner and don’t let it talk too much.

And that is why I find Rooibos Tropica to be a successful blend. It has a wonderful strawberry/peach smell when dry and is pretty to look at. It looks like dried rosemary dotted with blue, white and reddish-purple flower petals. (I agree with the quiet life, I don’t think there is any red rooibos in there. The ingredients on the bag don’t list it. Maybe they did change the blend.) When infused, the aroma is strawberry, peach, and a somewhat green note which could be from the rooibos, or the flower petals, or both.

It doesn’t seem that sweet to me, though strawberry is definitely present in the flavor and I’m finding Teavana’s strawberry to provide some degree of sweetness to their blends. Without the strawberry, I don’t think it would be at all sweet. If I try really hard I can taste something that seems like peach, and something that seems like orange. But what I find interesting about the flavor is that the ingredients together have some sort of synergy going on, where the sum of the individual parts is greater and different than the whole. As a whole, it’s a tutti-frutti mixture that suggests mango, pineapple, even banana — basically all the fruits you’d find on Carmen Miranda’s hats — even though none of those are identified as ingredients. And the rooibos is sitting in the corner, quietly, exactly as it should be.

So this gets a high rating for being an excellent example of its genre. Tied with the SpecialTeas Rooibos Lemon Chiffon, which I have not had in a while and need to revisit to see if recalibration is in order. However, whether I buy more is still an open question given my current doubts about my relationship with rooibos.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Brilliant insights on rooibos! My favorite is that it’s “the tofu of the tea world” – LOL!


the caffeine-free aspect is a plus for me in my nightly search for a tea that won’t keep me from sleeping!


Agreed, Lauren (she says, having just finished drinking this at around 10:30 p.m.) :-)


I enjoy Rooibos but I get what your saying. I find that if your looking for some extravagant flavors your going to find them in Rooibos mixes. This particular one looks pretty interesting! I will put it on my must try list :)

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15631 tasting notes

sample sipdown from fiddling! (285) this is a totally uninteresting boring rooibos to me. sure it’s got some fruity aspects going on but over all it’s like that friend you have where they tag along sometimes and you don’t mind seeing them but there’s never any OMG I MISS YOU! WHY HAVEN’T I SEEN YOU IN FOREVER! it’s just kinda like “hey…what’s up…cool beans, yo!”
yeah. that’s my story. lol


I just can’t get into this tea either. I’ve sent it out to a few swap partners hoping someone would enjoy it, but it seems like a bit of a dud.


Well if nothing else, lots of people will get to sample it :) I don’t mind rooibos but this is just kinda there…hanging out…

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297 tasting notes

This is really kinda gross.

It’s so strongly rooibos & not really much of anything else. You do get a touch of fruits, but it’s more of an artificial, chemicaly fruit flavour.
Oh well I used what was in my tin to fill my pitcher with it. So I guess I’ll just toss it, unless my youngest drinks it, which at the time she said she liked.

Iced 8 min or more

It amazes me how Teavana are even in business.


I like a fair bit of their stuff, but then there is stuff like this which is pure garbage.


This is good when you add it to something else. That’s how I used mine up! I added mine to my Vampire Lemonade blend, but solely to use it up. I didn’t want to waste the tea after I paid so much for it!

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254 tasting notes

Tea #2 from the Traveling Tea Box C

As I mentioned in Tea #1, Jake and I made up two of the rooibos teas tonight and thought we were going to each pick our favorite. Since neither of us were into the Rooibos Chai, we ended up just splitting the cup I made of this one. I think from now on I am going to skip the 16oz infuser mugs and just steep in an 8oz teacup. I just made a lot of tea that we’re just not that excited about.

While it does have a little more presence than the Rooibos Chai, this one also pulls the same flavor disappearing act halfway through the sip. What does stick with me is a more than a little artificial, but not entirely unpleasant. I tend to enjoy Della Terra’s Lemon Chiffon, and I am getting slight hints of that here.

That said, this tea will be moving on to the box’s next destination as well. At least it gave me an excuse to use the Royal Albert cup and saucer my husband found at the second hand store!

Boiling 5 min, 15 sec

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892 tasting notes

Thanks ToiToi! The first time I had this one I didn’t really like it. But when I got it in a swap I thought….. Why not. So here I am, drinking Rooibos Tropica. It’s ok. It has a nice fruity flavor. But it’s just not that impressive.

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259 tasting notes

This is a nice, sweet Rooibos. As other tasting notes indicate, people like this tea. I simply cannot get aroused by a nice Rooibos, sweet or otherwise. But I am always delighted to try new teas. I’d like to get a really full scope of what I am rejecting (or accepting) before I make any final verdicts or slam the door shut on something that I might enjoy.

6 min, 30 sec

I prefer this rooibos with a bit of jasmine pearls! In fact, that is how I first was introduced to it. I went to a Teavana shop and they had the blend already brewed for sampling. I didn’t buy it as a pre-blended mix. I already had jasmine pearls at home (this is the one tea that I did not carry as a tea vendor, but ALWAYS had on hand because I love it so), so I just bought some of the rooibos. It is probably the best “blend” from Teavana that I’ve had.


I think Rooibos is an acquired taste. I used to hate it and then one day I drank one flavor that I liked and now I like Rooibos. Also, I try to limit my caffeine so that I don’t get migraines, so the Rooibos and other herbals give me options when I’ve had enough caffeine. My gateway Rooibos (in case you are wondering which one changed my mind about Rooibos) is SpecialTeas Rooibos Sweet Heart.


Kristen: I don’t really care for a lot of rooibos either… I find that I prefer green rooibos to red rooibos. I don’t like either of them “plain” or unflavored, however, I do enjoy the plain or unflavored organic red and green rooibos.

What I have come to realize is this – rooibos tends to have a sort of “artificial sweetener” type of sweetness to them… as if they have been sweetened with saccharine. However, some flavors are better at offsetting that saccharine-ish flavor than others…

I’ll stop rambling now!

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83 tasting notes

I make this stronger every time I make it and it just gets better and better.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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76 tasting notes

Enjoying this iced today! It has such a cheerful, fruit flavor and it really does help with my allergies (like all rooibos). I highly recommend it to allergy sufferers :)

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