Thanks again to Derk for this sample! Following Derk and the vendor’s instructions, I steeped 3 g of leaf in 150 ml of boiling water for 5, 8, and 15 minutes. I hope these long steeps don’t make this tea into a tannin monster!

The dry aroma is of tangerine, berries, cream, rose, other florals, malt, and wood. The first steep has rich aromas and flavours of blackberry, raspberry, vanilla, rose, and orange. In the mouth, I get the fruit plus cream, rose, orange blossom, malt, wood, thyme, vanilla, earth, and restrained tannins. The blackberry and raspberry are more pronounced for me than the orange, though it’s a nice background note. There’s blackberry, orange, and peach in the lingering aftertaste. The next steep is a bit more malty and woody, but still has lots of fruity and floral goodness. The final steep has minerals, wood, and malt with faint berries, cream, and orange, and it’s quite a bit more tannic.

This is an excellent black tea with wonderful fruity, creamy, and floral notes. It doesn’t have great longevity, but I also did very long steeps. The tannins never get overwhelming. I’m enjoying these TDJ teas more than I expected to.

Flavors: Blackberry, Cream, Earth, Floral, Malt, Mineral, Orange, Orange Blossom, Peach, Raspberry, Rose, Tangerine, Tannin, Thyme, Vanilla, Wood

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 3 g 5 OZ / 150 ML

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Since I discovered Teavana’s Monkey Picked Oolong four years ago, I’ve been fascinated by loose-leaf tea. I’m glad to say that my oolong tastes have evolved, and that I now like nearly every tea that comes from Taiwan, oolong or not, particularly the bug-bitten varieties. I also find myself drinking Yunnan blacks and Darjeelings from time to time, as well as a few other curiosities.

However, while online reviews might make me feel like an expert, I know that I still have some work to do to actually pick up those flavours myself. I hope that by making me describe what I’m tasting, Steepster can improve my appreciation of teas I already enjoy and make me more open to new possibilities (maybe even puerh!).



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