I was in Seattle for the morning and decided to poke my head in Market Spice. I’m not sure how great of a decision that was because it turned into a shopping spree. An hour of perusing later and this Cranberry Creme is one of the little goodies that came home with me!
A berry and sweet cream scent fills the air and the smell reminds me of the berry cereals that I would eat as a kid. You know, the ones that are really bad for you and make the milk turn into a pink sugary sludge. I definitely taste the cream but the cranberry flavor is light and almost just a subtle aftertaste.
So far, this and Honey Flower are my favorites of the MarketSpice that I’ve sampled. I noticed that trying one type of tea makes me (almost compulsively) want to try different brands of similar teas, so maybe it’s a blessing in disguise that I don’t live closer to any teashops…
Flavors: Cream