I pronounce it “lee-chee”, how do you pronounce it? :D
Yum! I’ve been waiting to try a Lychee flavoured black, and this one is just what I was hoping for. It’s one of my favorite crazy fruits, and I love it’s flavour in anything and everything.
This one doesn’t disappoint! The dry smell is a little misleading, it smells a bit faint and almost musty, but the liquid flavour is .. mm! Juicy! No musty taste that’s for sure.
It’s not terribly strong on flavour, but an increase in leaves can change that.
I think that if I had a choice, I would buy a cheaper Lychee black elsewhere if I could (I think harney’s might be cheaper? But then I have to factor in shipping price..) so I dunno! That’s just me. Enjoy!
I pronounce it lie-chee cause that’s how you say it in Cantonese. I’m not sure of how most people say it in English. I love lychees!
It’s a Cantonese/Mandarin type translation – both are slightly different and equally correct! And equally… delicious? (Similar to Bai mu dan/pai mu tan) (maybe I’m just making things up now lol)
Spelling out Chinese words with the English alphabet is always confusing for so many reasons. As long as we all understand each other, I’m happy. :)
In danish they are spelled ‘litchi’ and we prounounce i’s like you do ee’s, so I more or less say it the same way as you. :)
I pronounce it lie-chee cause that’s how you say it in Cantonese. I’m not sure of how most people say it in English. I love lychees!
It’s a Cantonese/Mandarin type translation – both are slightly different and equally correct! And equally… delicious? (Similar to Bai mu dan/pai mu tan) (maybe I’m just making things up now lol)
Spelling out Chinese words with the English alphabet is always confusing for so many reasons. As long as we all understand each other, I’m happy. :)
Yay! haha agreed!
My ex boyfriend is Cantonese, he was probably better at English than I am!
In danish they are spelled ‘litchi’ and we prounounce i’s like you do ee’s, so I more or less say it the same way as you. :)
I say lie-chee