This is one of my most favorite Stash teas.
My boyfriend and I just finished a week-long, stressful, sweaty move across the city in gool ol’ +30 Saskatchewan weather. I’m not complaining, just noting that it was a tad warmer than our usual crappy summer days haha.
We drink this tea hot all the time when we need a break from the world (he’s not a huge tea fan, but he loves anything with licorice in it so I convinced him to try this tea and he loves it, even if it doesn’t taste like licorice!) The mint flavour is usually just a nice hint in the background of the other fruity, mellow flavours.
Needless to say, I made iced tea yesterday to refresh ourselves as we unpacked. It was just perfect. because it’s herbal, I brewed a pot with 2 teabags and just stuck it in the fridge to cool, teabags and all over night. A little bit of agave and we were good to go!