Enjoying another cup – I’m drinking this a little faster than I wanted to – but hey, it’s for a good cause! My happiness! :)
Ever so floral with tangy creamy notes, I wouldn’t dream of enjoying without a healthy splash of cream and sugar. true bliss.
And of course, a photo-op!
Love your site dunno why i miss it when I’ve looked at your bio ( and the tutorial on how to make iced tea since i still drink the store false tea crap all my try are fail lol i should not miss it with a tutorial that have picture now)
Love your site dunno why i miss it when I’ve looked at your bio ( and the tutorial on how to make iced tea since i still drink the store false tea crap all my try are fail lol i should not miss it with a tutorial that have picture now)
Every once and I while I will buy a Nestea and enjoy it (more than pop anyways), but nothing beats the real stuff, too true :D