Dammann Frères Advent Calendar 2022 – Day 1
Bold to kick things off with a black/green tea. The enticing bergamot-vanilla aroma appeased me, however. Even though the ingredients don’t list anise, mint, or coniferous tree bits – I’m reminded a little of White Wolf by Bellocq (a favourite of mine, but out of my price range currently).
Unfortunately, I steeped it at slightly too low an a temperature (185 °F), so I plunked it back in for an additional minute – for a total of five minutes. The result is gentle and not actually dissimilar to White Wolf, but more akin to Golden Moon’s velvety Vanilla Jasmine (also a green/black blend, I believe). The woodsy-floral bouquet of jasmine, vanilla, and bergamot is totally my jam. I also love that the vanilla is subtle and not the candy variety.
The drying astringency is minor, and I would’ve preferred to bring that out further, along with more malty bite. Oh, well… I doubt tweaking the steeping parameters would’ve allowed me to add milk anyways (but I may order more in the future in order to “experiment”).
To continue from last year, my mom is also partaking in the advents. She’s anxiously off to a medical appointment, but this tea’s calm profile helped a bit (the bite of Japanese cheesecake probably helped more). It’s definitely a soothing pot.
Steep Count: 2 – a solid second steep too (probably because my first was weak)!
Flavors: Astringent, Bergamot, Floral, Herbaceous, Jasmine, Milky, Smooth, Vanilla, Woody
Hope your mom’s appointment went well.<3 My mom has had quite the medical year herself but we just received some potentially good news.
Thank you! It was a basic check-up this time but went well. The lingering effects of a concussion are pretty much gone :)
@Lexie, I hope that good news bears fruit!
Hope everything went okay with your mam’s appointment!
Hope your mom’s appointment went well.<3 My mom has had quite the medical year herself but we just received some potentially good news.
@Lexie -I hope your mam is doing well too
Thank you! It was a basic check-up this time but went well. The lingering effects of a concussion are pretty much gone :)
@Lexie, I hope that good news bears fruit!
Glad to hear it! (:
Glad to hear it! Thanks, guys.