Mastress Alita’s sipdown challenge Saturday, November 13th: National Hug a Musician Day – Dead Can Dance
Sipdown! This tea is musty, bittersweet, and earthy in way that does feel like an old library, but it also has lots of sweet grain and nut notes. Its profile and creative vision remind me of that time I was an anthropology undergrad student, reading lots and lots of books and articles late into the evening (and early in the morning) on agrarian societies, reciprocity, liminality, snub-nosed monkeys, funerary practices, and the like. Dead Can Dance was not the only music to get my through my school work but it’s definitely the one I most associate with the smell of musty books, grains, old bones, and pottery fragments…
Here. Have a book. “Fortune Presents Gifts Not According to the Book”:
Taken with milk.
Flavors: Citrus, Cocoa, Dark Bittersweet, Dark Chocolate, Earth, Grain, Licorice, Malt, Nuts, Rye, Wood
I adore Dead CanDance and Leatherbound and associations. It’s 5:30 am. Thanks, neighbour’s. Not listening just now.
Why are they making so much noise so unspeakably early?
From my past experience though 3:30am -5:45 a.m may possibly be the best time to listen to DCD (but maybe with some comfy headphones) :P
Comfy headphones, yes! (no idea where those might be currently.)
Not noise so much as whatever devices they are plugging in? Using? I have no idea what they might be—wireless / Bluetooth something or other? All their wifi etc. Command stations are set up on the adjoining wall. They are avid exercise buffs who have ALL the things—peloton,wii, video games, etc, etc. And they have a large extended family. And they keep odd hours. She stays up late doing whatever wired / wireless things she does. He comes home late—3? 5? And they argue and/or exercise in one form or another. It is the electromagnetic current that wakens me and then I hear the activity.
And/or he wakes early to work out. There are also two kids that get shuttled around at various times by/with friends/family. Babysitting arrangements? Shift work of babysitters? Who knows.
I enjoy your associations and voice. And Dead Can Dance. Good pick for the tea.
I adore Dead CanDance and Leatherbound and associations. It’s 5:30 am. Thanks, neighbour’s. Not listening just now.
Why are they making so much noise so unspeakably early?
From my past experience though 3:30am -5:45 a.m may possibly be the best time to listen to DCD (but maybe with some comfy headphones) :P
Comfy headphones, yes! (no idea where those might be currently.)
Not noise so much as whatever devices they are plugging in? Using? I have no idea what they might be—wireless / Bluetooth something or other? All their wifi etc. Command stations are set up on the adjoining wall. They are avid exercise buffs who have ALL the things—peloton,wii, video games, etc, etc. And they have a large extended family. And they keep odd hours. She stays up late doing whatever wired / wireless things she does. He comes home late—3? 5? And they argue and/or exercise in one form or another. It is the electromagnetic current that wakens me and then I hear the activity.
And/or he wakes early to work out. There are also two kids that get shuttled around at various times by/with friends/family. Babysitting arrangements? Shift work of babysitters? Who knows.
I’ve been woken up/prevented from sleeping by the hum/whine of electrical equipment. Can’t even sleep in the same room as my cellphone or have my laptop or PC turned on in the adjacent room.
That’s a lot of tech in close proximity.