Comparison of A.C. Perch Queen’s Blend & Organic French Earl Grey (posted under both teas)
Both steeped for 3 minutes at 200 ° F
Queen’s Blend — There’s a mixed base here of Ceylon and green gunpowder. The gunpowder is noticeable, but adds a level of complexity. I’ve only had gunpowder from A.C. Perch and I know someone mentioned last year that it’s often smoky — I’ve thankfully not experienced that with their straight gunpowder or this tea. I would say the bergamot is the same in both these teas. A says this one, hands down, is her favourite (though she enjoys both).
French EG — This version has the Ceylon base. This tea comes off as “cleaner” or perhaps “crisper” with the single base tea. I actually really enjoy both of these teas and either (or both!) would be great additions to our cupboard.