94 Tasting Notes
Wow. I wanted to have some tea after going for a walk with my 2 year old and having the battle to get him in and into bed for a nap. (2 year olds are lots of fun sometimes but he keeps my life interesting. LOL) I didn’t want to have a black and I really wasn’t in the mood for an herbal or trying to strain a Roobios so I decided I felt like green tea. That’s when I remembered that I bought this one on the weekend. The smell when I opened the package was amazing. Hard to describe other than the great Lime scent. I only steeped this for 3 minutes due to the aforementioned battle of wills with the 2 year old but it is a lovely colour of light green and the smell is still there. The taste is amazing. It is light and refreshing and tastes like it smells. I was expecting a bit of sour taste but you get the lime flavour without the sourness.
I love this tea and will be restocking for sure.
Just had to add that tonight I am really enjoying this iced with a shot of Raspberry Lemonade. Soooooo good.
So it isn’t fair of me to give this tea an actual rating because I have mixed it with The Skinny. But this mix is really good if not a little heavy on the peppermint. I think next time I will put a little less of Le Digestif in my mix. The smell is great but there is a taste at the back of my throat that I get with peppermint. But I will try this sometime when I am not feeling well since I really think it will be good on it’s own. I just will have to make sure I don’t oversteep it.
Good mix though. I am just waiting for my cats to smell the catnip. Although one of my guys is immune to catnip. He prefers honeysuckle.
Not sure how to rate this tea. I think I want to get some popsicle molds and try it that way.
It does have a creamsicle taste but there is something else there I can’t quite describe. Really unsure about this one so I am not giving it a rating until I figure it out.
I enjoy green teas and this really doesn’t seem like one. And the colour is quite muddy. Still stumped on this one but I am going to make myself something else for before bed so I don’t got to bed with this dissapointed note.
Got my new order from David’s today. So excited. I didn’t realize I ordered so many herbals. So this one was the first one I decided to try. And I am not dissapointed. I have left the tea in my steeping mug and it has gone from a really sweet tea to a nice bit of a sour taste as it has continued to steep and cool off some. I can see this one becoming a favourite.
Can’t wait to try it iced.
Had this tea iced last night. My husband is not a tea fan. He will tolerate it but mostly because he is too lazy to make himself coffee and I am making tea at night. (he will make his coffee in the morning) He does however love Nestea Iced Tea. It is what he drinks all summer (except beer after ball of course)
I used twice the amount of tea as per David’s directions and poured the tea over ice. Then once it had cooled a little I added 1/3 lemonade to 2/3 tea. I also added some simple syrup to hubbies. When he drank it he said it was better than the Nestea he loves and he looks forward to drinking it all summer. i also really enjoyed it.
Now I just need an iced tea pitcher so I can make it without using so many tea leaves.
Made this one last week. And I was not dissapointed at all. This was my first experience with a Rooibos and I loved it. The maple scent on opening the bag you can actually taste the maple syrul just from the smell (or at least it seemed that way to me). My only problem was that I had a lot of bits while drinking it. So one the second time having Oh Canada I decided to play with hubby’s coffee filters and make one fit my mug. Well it was a success. This tea is amazing and looks like Maple Syrup. I love that I can get the scent and some of the taste but not have to take the sugar hit from real Maply Syrup.