I was actually happy to see this one in the winter subscription, because I’ve looked at it several times on their website, but just never wanted it enough to order a full tin. To be honest, my first thought when I saw it was “doesn’t Adagio make this?” There are a few teas that Old Barrel carries that seem (to me) like they might be sourced from Adagio, like the Mocha Maté and some of their fruit blends. Could also just be me being overly suspicious though, ha ha. Anyway, this does not have the same ingredients as the Adagio version, so I assume it’s not the same one.
I was a bit nervous to try this to be honest, because the puerh smelled a bit funky in the tin. I’ve loved all of their other puerhs that I’ve tried, but this has a much higher proportion of puerh than most. Luckily, it doesn’t taste funky to me. I mostly taste the earthy puerh base, with subtle strawberry and creamy nut flavors. The strawberry seems a bit candylike, but it’s difficult to tell since it’s quite mild.
Overall, it’s fine but not my favorite, as I’m not really a plain puerh lover, and that’s mostly what I’m tasting. Will probably add this to the rehoming box, so hopefully someone else can enjoy it.
Flavors: Candy, Creamy, Earthy, Mineral, Nutty, Smooth, Strawberry, Thick, Woody