This is VERY similar to Harney & Sons Paris. Like Paris’ twin. I am not sure if I can taste any difference to be honest and I don’t really get any honey flavor from it. It’s probably there but I have a hard time differentiating between the vanilla, caramel and honey flavors that are in this blend. They all kind of blend together into one thing. But I want to say that out of those 3 flavors, I can taste the caramel and the vanilla about equally and honey the least. The most prominent of all the flavors in the tea is the black currant, though. I also get some bergamot – more than in the Paris blend, I think. Black currant, caramel and vanilla are the primary flavors all in all, though – just like with Paris.

I want to say that Tower of London is more fruity (black currant/bergamot) while Paris has more vanilla and caramel but I am not sure if that is accurate. It says something about stonefruit flavors on the tin which I can’t really taste.

The black tea base tastes the same as the one in Paris, i.e. a medium-bodied and smooth Chinese black tea without much astringency or bitterness.

All in all, this is an incredibly delicious tea from Harney & Sons that’s almost identical to Paris. I can’t really say which I prefer, but if I had to choose I would probably choose Tower of London by a very small margin.

If you already have their Paris blend, I can’t necessarily see the reason to also get Tower of London and vice versa. They are that similar.

Flavors: Bergamot, Berry, Black Currant, Caramel, Citrus, Fruity, Tea, Vanilla

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 3 g 10 OZ / 300 ML
Evol Ving Ness

I’m looking forward to hearing what others have to say about the difference between the two.


I concur – If I had to choose just one, it would be ToL.


Thanks for the comment, Evol Ving Ness! As you can tell, I find them to be quite similar. I just took a whiff of both the dry leaves of Paris and Tower of London and they smell quite similar, but I get a little more bergamot in Tower of London than in Paris, I think. It’s been a year since I broke the seal on my Paris tin, so the smell has diminished a little, so my comparison is probably not 100% accurate, but I do remember how it tasted when it was brand new. The smell of the dry leaves of ToL reminds me of Big Red soda a little bit. I just did some research and it turns out Big Red is flavored with citrus and vanilla which are two of the ingredients in both of the teas.


ashmanra: Same with me, although the difference is so subtle I would be more than happy to have either of them in my cupboard. I can’t get ToL in loose leaf here in Europe, so a reason for me to get Paris again would be that I can get it in the loose leaf version.

Evol Ving Ness

Hmm, why can’t you get T of L in leaf form there? Curious.


Evol Ving Ness: It’s not available on their European website, unfortunately. ToL is one of their more popular teas so I don’t know why. We don’t get quite the same selection here in Europe as you do in the US/Canada. It’s still decent though and better than some other North American tea brands who do not do business in Europe at all (DAVIDsTEA for instance). My guess would be that the European website only has about 25% of the different varities of teas that are on the US website. Their US website ‘’ does not send to most of Europe which is a bummer.


Tower of London used to be available only in the Historic Royal Palaces tin in sachets. I “requested” it (begged shamelessly for months) and Mike Harney commented on Facebook that if I would DM my address he would send some loose if I didn’t mind buying a whole pound. I requested three pounds to split with friends if it wouldn’t be any extra trouble, and people who saw the comments started asking for some. Mike graciously said, “I hear you. Here is a link and we will just make it available loose to everyone.” It became so popular, they started selling it in smaller amounts loose leaf as well. I have had great customer service from them.

Evol Ving Ness

Our Canadian distributor also has only about 25% of what they offer. The TOfL was only available in the tiny tag along sachet tins.

I then ordered directly from the US, with high shipping fees, and got all the things.

All this global difference is indeed a bummer. Thankfully, each region has stars of their own.


ashmanra: Thanks for sharing that. So you could argue that you are the reason Tower of London is available in loose leaf. How long ago was that?


Evol Ving Ness: Yes, it is a bummer. But it’s understandable since a brand like Harney & Sons is an American tea brand, so they are naturally going to have the most customers in the USA and therefore have a better selection there compared to in Europe where much fewer people know the brand. Being from Europe, I didn’t discover Harney & Sons via their own advertising or via people I know, but actually right here on Steepster back in 2011 or early 2012.


I see a review from eight years ago where I mention that I finished my tin of sachets and had my one pound bag, so it has been quite a while! Around the same time, Florence was only available as four ounce tins or pound bags, and a few of us campaigned for 8 ounce tins, and they gave it to us! They do seem to listen to what the customers want.


I notice and like the differences between Paris and ToL… though I admit they are subtle differences! But I think both are cupboard essentials for me.


ashmanra: Thanks for the information. Harney & Sons is a great company!


tea-sipper: Nice to hear that both are cupboard essentials for you. I love both as well. What have you found is the main difference between the two?

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Evol Ving Ness

I’m looking forward to hearing what others have to say about the difference between the two.


I concur – If I had to choose just one, it would be ToL.


Thanks for the comment, Evol Ving Ness! As you can tell, I find them to be quite similar. I just took a whiff of both the dry leaves of Paris and Tower of London and they smell quite similar, but I get a little more bergamot in Tower of London than in Paris, I think. It’s been a year since I broke the seal on my Paris tin, so the smell has diminished a little, so my comparison is probably not 100% accurate, but I do remember how it tasted when it was brand new. The smell of the dry leaves of ToL reminds me of Big Red soda a little bit. I just did some research and it turns out Big Red is flavored with citrus and vanilla which are two of the ingredients in both of the teas.


ashmanra: Same with me, although the difference is so subtle I would be more than happy to have either of them in my cupboard. I can’t get ToL in loose leaf here in Europe, so a reason for me to get Paris again would be that I can get it in the loose leaf version.

Evol Ving Ness

Hmm, why can’t you get T of L in leaf form there? Curious.


Evol Ving Ness: It’s not available on their European website, unfortunately. ToL is one of their more popular teas so I don’t know why. We don’t get quite the same selection here in Europe as you do in the US/Canada. It’s still decent though and better than some other North American tea brands who do not do business in Europe at all (DAVIDsTEA for instance). My guess would be that the European website only has about 25% of the different varities of teas that are on the US website. Their US website ‘’ does not send to most of Europe which is a bummer.


Tower of London used to be available only in the Historic Royal Palaces tin in sachets. I “requested” it (begged shamelessly for months) and Mike Harney commented on Facebook that if I would DM my address he would send some loose if I didn’t mind buying a whole pound. I requested three pounds to split with friends if it wouldn’t be any extra trouble, and people who saw the comments started asking for some. Mike graciously said, “I hear you. Here is a link and we will just make it available loose to everyone.” It became so popular, they started selling it in smaller amounts loose leaf as well. I have had great customer service from them.

Evol Ving Ness

Our Canadian distributor also has only about 25% of what they offer. The TOfL was only available in the tiny tag along sachet tins.

I then ordered directly from the US, with high shipping fees, and got all the things.

All this global difference is indeed a bummer. Thankfully, each region has stars of their own.


ashmanra: Thanks for sharing that. So you could argue that you are the reason Tower of London is available in loose leaf. How long ago was that?


Evol Ving Ness: Yes, it is a bummer. But it’s understandable since a brand like Harney & Sons is an American tea brand, so they are naturally going to have the most customers in the USA and therefore have a better selection there compared to in Europe where much fewer people know the brand. Being from Europe, I didn’t discover Harney & Sons via their own advertising or via people I know, but actually right here on Steepster back in 2011 or early 2012.


I see a review from eight years ago where I mention that I finished my tin of sachets and had my one pound bag, so it has been quite a while! Around the same time, Florence was only available as four ounce tins or pound bags, and a few of us campaigned for 8 ounce tins, and they gave it to us! They do seem to listen to what the customers want.


I notice and like the differences between Paris and ToL… though I admit they are subtle differences! But I think both are cupboard essentials for me.


ashmanra: Thanks for the information. Harney & Sons is a great company!


tea-sipper: Nice to hear that both are cupboard essentials for you. I love both as well. What have you found is the main difference between the two?

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My name is Andreas, I am from Denmark, and I am 26 years old.

I am a lover of fine teas and my favorite tea brand at the moment is Harney & Sons – which I discovered via Steepster back in 2011 or early 2012, but first tried in January of 2021.

I have been drinking high-quality teas since 2009, when I was thirteen. The brand that made me appreciate quality teas was Kusmi Tea – which I still love. But since then, Harney & Sons has taken the number one spot for me, and it has become pretty much the only brand of tea I drink on a regular basis.

I prefer black teas, or blends of black and oolong – both flavored and unflavored – and dislike most herbal and fruit teas.

I usually don’t care for green teas or white teas, either.

I enjoy most of my teas with a splash of milk and without sweetener.

I mostly review and rate teas I love because I think that’s the most fun, and because, most of the time, I buy teas I know I am going to like.

Favorite flavors:
Citrus – bergamot, lemon, orange.
Sonefruits – peach, plum, cherry, apricot.
Berries – black currant, strawberry, raspberry.
Dessert flavors – chocolate, caramel, vanilla.
Nuts – hazelnut, almond.
Spices – cinnamon, cloves, ginger.
Tropical flavors – coconut, guava, pineapple.
Herbacious flavors – peppermint, spearmint.
Floral flavors – lavender.

Not so favorite flavors:
Very acidic hibiscus, whiskey flavor, overly artificial flavors, extreme sweetness.



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