This one smells delicious—just like a creamy strawberry milkshake, as advertised. The blend has dried strawberry pieces in addition to honeybush, and everything is covered in a russet color. The tea brews up to a lighter color than I would have imagined, also reddish in tone. The taste is sweet and woodsy; my experience with honeybush is limited, but the base does resemble the last honeybush tea I had. The strawberry flavor is natural-seeming, a little more tart than I would have expected, but enjoyable. The cream flavor has less presence in the brew compared to the aroma. I tried adding some coconut milk to bring it out, but I don’t recommend that anyone else do this! Both the tea and coconut milk smelled fine (the latter was delicious and newly opened), but once mixed together, they produced a dirt-like, fishy aroma like a low quality pu-erh. I’m not sure what chemistry lies behind this, but no, bad idea. In spite of this unfortunate experiment, this is an interesting and unique caffeine-free offering. Perhaps trying it with dairy milk or other plant-based milks will give a better experience. Thanks again to beelicious for the sample!