I gave this one another go tonight after dinner. For some reason, as I was eating my dessert (German Chocolate Cake), I thought that this tea would be the perfect accompaniment. Unfortunately, I finished the cake while I was waiting for my tea to steep, but I was still pleased with my choice of blend.
I actually enjoyed this tea a lot more the second time around. I didn’t notice any orange taste with this cup, just a combination of sweetness and spices. I still don’t think this is a tea I’ll be buying in a large quantity anytime soon since there are so many new blends and companies out there I’d like to try first, but I might get around to purchasing it in the future for cold winter nights.
EDIT: This is one of the few yeas that I’ve found don’t steep well a second time using the same infuser of tea leaves.
This one reminds me of wintery nights too.